I like him?

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After breakfast all the girls including dipper went to the garden where there were obstacles, "ok girls now we are doing the second test, this test will prove that are brave and agile" said sebastian " 20 off you will get to move on while the rest will be sended to jail" said sebastian "the king is going to be watching from above if you cheat he will see" said sebastian  "oh and if king bill wants you to continue in the test you will be able to pass" said sebastian "this are your obstacles you have to jump true mod, swim true a lake filled with frogs, then you will go thru a forest filled with hungry monkeys so you have to give them bananas to pass then you have to race too the finish line" said sebastian "so get ready,set...GO!" and they were off, dipper ran and jumped thru the mod swimmed true the lake filled with frogs, then graved a banana and gave it to a monkey the monkey let him pass, Now dipper is running to the finish line with rachel,ruby,samantha and 10 other girls, he and rachel were head to head when they both made it true the finish line, "We have a winner, well two winners who win first place" said sebastian "WHAT" said rachel "I totally won that" "what no we both won so live with it" said dipper "ladies..ladies" said bill appearing from nowhere "you both won so stop fighting and move on to the next test" he said "fine" said rachel "thank you for stopping rachel from yelling more" said dipper "um you-you're welcome" said bill kinda nervous "oh wow i never been seen someone so cute as her" said king bill in his head "well i must be off to see if someone is cheating" said bill "oh o-ok" said Dipper wow he is kinda cute, Wait what no i'm a boy not a girl he is a boy and i'm faking being a girl said dipper in his head "ok move on lady Dipper, go to the next test" said Sebastian "ok" said Dipper

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