Chapter One

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My alarm clock woke me up much too early, the green numbers signaling it was 3 AM. I got up out of bed, and walked to the kitchen, putting the coffee on. I stretched and put on the news in the family room. I made myself and Blake coffee, and brought his mug to our bedroom where he was still sleeping. I put on the bedside lamp, which covered the room in a soft glow. I lightly shook Blake's shoulder.

"Blake. Wake up. We have to leave for the Finals today."

He groaned, but got up nonetheless. I handed him his coffee, and we both trudged back into the kitchen. I drank my coffee, and made myself breakfast before showering and dressing for the long day of travel. By now it was 4, and I had to wake up Kieran. I put the light on in his room and dressed him while he was still half asleep. I was not looking forward to this long trip, especially since Blake wouldn't be with me for most of it.

I picked up Kieran and laid him on the couch, turning off the t.v. Blake walked out in warm ups and no shirt, drying his hair and face. I continued to pack up Kieran's breakfast and other snacks for our long plane ride. Blake put his shirt on and started to pack the car. I was in skinny jeans and converse, along with a clippers tshirt, hoping the other wives wouldn't judge me too harshly. Blake finished quickly, putting a sleeping Kieran in the car as well. I put the last of the clean dishes away and took a minute to rest in the kitchen. Blake came in, engulfing me in his arms.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Can't we teleport? I whined.

He laughed at me, and gave me a lingering kiss on my forehead.


He pulled his sweatshirt over his head, and put it on me. It was huge on me, and he pecked my nose before lacing our fingers and leading me out to the car. He opened my door for me, and began the drive to LAX. He took my hand, and I tried to sleep more before that would be impossible.

Blake kissed my cheek, waking me up and signaling our arrival to the airport. I got out of the car, and Blake took two bags and his carry on, leaving me the third bag and Kieran and my combined carry on. I got Kieran out of the car and onto my hip, where he continued to sleep. I took the third bag and we started to head towards the airport from the long term parking lot. We stepped into the airport, which was surprisingly quiet.

Check in was short, and before I knew it, the three of us had an hour and a half to kill, as we had already gone through security. Kieran was asleep again on our carry-on, and Blake was holding me, as we both stared off into the distance. I was starting to drift off when he thought it would be best to start a conversation.

"I can't believe it's going to be six hours before I see you again."

"Don't be that way." I mumbled.

"You don't even want to go!" He whined.

"I'm not a morning person, and Kieran isn't either. It's just an inconvenience and hard. The time change is going to be hard, especially with a two year old."

"I wish we didn't have to be on different planes."

"You're on a team, babe. It'll all be fine. You'll be with your boys, I'll be with Jada, Mrs. Paul (Robin), Kieran, Chris Jr., and Cameryn. It'll be good. Besides you'll be with the team and you'll all be stoked for the Finals."

He huffed, and played with our intertwined fingers.

"Blake, it's seven hours, and then we're at the hotel, together again." I told him.

He nodded, and I listened to his heartbeat, before falling asleep. I woke up an hour later, when the Pauls arrived. The rest of the team was surrounding us, some sleeping, some with their families and girlfriends, and some talking to one another, trying to pass the time. Blake and I got up to greet them, while Chris Jr., and Cameryn took our seats, distracted by their iPads. Jada, Chris, Blake and I exchanged hugs.

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