Chapter Seven

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I woke up in my own bed for what seemed to be the first time in weeks. Blake was asleep next to me, totally oblivious to the world. I felt fresh and recharged. I guess I wasn't as used to the hotel beds as he was, seeing as he spent half the season in them. I lifted his arm from around my waist, and padded out to the kitchen. I still had to turn on the water and other necessities that we turned off before we left.

Last night we had stumbled in, having barely enough energy to tuck Kieran into bed and collapse into our own. Thank God I cleaned house before we left. There's just something about coming home to a clean house... I went into the basement and turned everything on, before heading back upstairs and running all the faucets. The water came out looking black and sludgy, but that's what happens when you go on vacation and don't use the water for a few days. I liked having a well. I never had city water.

After cleaning up the sinks from the nasty water, I checked the time. It was almost 9. I got dressed, and put my hair up into a ponytail, before brushing my teeth and applying some make-up. I had to go shopping. We had very little food, and hadn't eaten at home since we left. That was the one downside to vacation. You can't ever eat in. I wrote a note out to Blake, telling him I had gone shopping. I filled the cart with food quickly, before dashing home to unload all the groceries so Blake and I could go shopping for the new house necessities.

Now that the Finals were out of the way, we had to start prepping our new home for our family to move in. The wedding was the next big thing to cross off our list. It was less than two months away! Time was slipping away. When I pulled into the driveway, Blake met me, helping to bring in the large haul of food.

"Good afternoon, babe." I kissed him, and began to put away the groceries. He smiled at me lazily before walking back into our bedroom. He's so weird. He came out fully dressed as I put lunch on the table.

"Where's Kieran?"

"DJ and Amber came over and wanted to watch him. Something about practice? I'm not sure you know how much DJ loves him."

I laughed. Sometimes I think DJ loves Kieran more than he loves Blake. We sat down and ate before driving to Ikea to look at the different furniture assortments. This house was ours-we both had to love the furniture.

After five hours of shopping we found all the furniture we would need. Blake set a date for it all to be delivered and called DJ to make sure the two of them would be able to assemble the furniture if it was needed. Blake kissed me after paying for everything, and he squeezed my hips lightly. I could feel the excitement that we shared. We were finally going to be married and live in a house with our son and any other children we decided to have.

I laced our fingers together and we walked out to the car. When we got home, I changed into sweats and a t-shirt before grabbing a bunch of cleaning supplies.

"Where do you think you're going?" Blake grabbed me from behind and began to nibble on my neck. I braced my hands against the counter, leaning my head forward so he had more access.

"I thought you could drop me off at the new house so I could clean it and get ready for the furniture."

"...or we could have a movie night." He spun me around and continued his assault. I ran my fingers through his curls, lightly pulling at the ends. He let out a deep moan that I felt in my chest, seeing as we were so tightly pressed together.

"...or we could have a movie night." I repeated and smiled. He pulled away from me, kissing my lips repeatedly until I pulled him onto the couch and straddled him, pressing our lips together and nipping at his neck.

My hands played with the hem of his shirt before taking it off of him. I sat back for a minute, admiring his abs as always. There was not a finer man on God's green Earth. He laughed at me before quirking an eyebrow.

"Like what you see?"

I shrugged.

"I mean, I guess it'll do..."

He flipped me onto my back, so he was on top now.

"We both know that I'm the best you've ever seen...or had." He whispered the last part into my ear.

"I wish I could say the same for you." I sighed, and looked away from him. He dropped some of his weight onto me, so that he could drop his head net to mine in a defeated manor, but still held up most of his 251 lbs.

"What in the world do you mean?" He grumbled.

"Well we both know I waited for you and I just wish you had done the same." I looked at him from the corner of my eye. He still had his face hidden in the cushions of the couch. I was only able to see the side of his face. Well, mainly his ear.

"Why?" He sighed, as though all this was humoring me.

"Imagine if everything was switched." He wove an arm around me and pulled my waist closer to his body.


"Why is this relevant? I think we were having a pretty nice time."

"Well sometimes..." I said in a small voice.

"Sometimes, what?" He repeated.

"Sometimes I wonder if it's the same for you." He finally lifted his head and looked at me like I was crazy.

"Riley, do you think I would wait this long for anyone? Do you think I would be half this crazy without you? I'm usually not this overprotective with girls and possessive. I was always the nice boyfriend. The cool one that never had any jealousy issues, never instigated any problems.

Then you came and lit my world on fire. I knew I wanted you to be apart of my world, but you came and replaced it. You are my world and without you there is no me. When you left me, it was like the sun had fallen beyond the horizon, and I was plunged into what seemed like an everlasting darkness. Before you came there had been a moon and stars, points of reason.

After you, there was nothing. I went to practice because there was a contractual obligation. The guys didn't know what to do with me. DJ was mad as hell, but within a week his glares had turned to looks of pity. Everyone just let me be and I was a freaking zombie.

Eventually I pulled my shit together and rushed into a relationship. Believe me when I tried to sleep with other girls. I could never do it, though. Not even when I was drunk. Those other girls don't even hold a candle to you. Not even a thousandth of the attraction you hold for me.

Do you know why I couldn't do it? Because they weren't you. Believe me when I say that you are the only one for me and since I've met you there has never been another girl. Only you.

That day I ran into you, light re-entered my life. At practice, the guys joked around and said I'd finally gotten laid. It was never about that. Ever since I met you at that softball field, I have been driven crazy by you.

I don't want anyone else to hold you, or kiss you, or get to see your brilliant smile everyday. Sometimes, I don't even want them to look at you. I know that you're much to good for me, and I'm waiting for the day that you see this, too. I'm waiting for you to see that you are much better than I am, or ever will be, and leave me. I'm waiting for you to run off with the guy that truly deserves you.

I'm much too selfish to let you go, and so while you are still blinded by whatever it is that's preventing you from finding the guy that you truly deserve and who truly deserves you, I'm going to marry you. That way, you're stuck with me forever, because I honestly can't imagine going another god damn day without you. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on, and by far, the best I've ever had, ever."

{A/N: Next update will be Thursday as usual. I met my team this morning AND I LOVE THEM so yay for that kinda excited for fall kinda not message me anything as always! Thoughts on the book, thoughts on life, thoughts on Blake, whatever!:) See ya Thursday! - anotherbgfanfic}

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