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The first thing that morning I jumped up and rushed thru my shower, and headed downstairs so I could prepare a very special Greek style breakfast for my hubby on our anniversary, just like his mom used to make for him when he was a kid. It took me a few weeks to get the recipe just right with the help of Mama D showing me the easiest way to make it, I really loved her incredible talents of cooking very special and delicious meals, but she told me that she learned from her husband, he was the master chef. Anyway, I made the meal and had it all ready for him when I heard him turn on the shower. I turned the lights down and lit the two red candles I put in between our plates.

Criss came down all dressed up very handsomely, he took in the alluring scent, that came from the dining room and had a smile on his face when he came to sit down, telling me that scent brought back some very old but very good memories. I reached over and gave him a very sweet kiss, as I handed him some orange juice, then I sat down in my seat and joined him for our breakfast. Criss looked around and asked where our magic munchkin was, but I told her that her Uncle Klayton came by before I even woke up this morning. Criss chuckled as he asked me what we were going to do with Klayton always kidnapping Angie. I smiled at him and told him I didn't think it was so much Klayton kidnapping her, it was Angie kidnapping him.

After breakfast, I carried the dirty dishes to the sink and prepared the dishwater, but Criss came in and said he'd do the dishes, and for me to get upstairs and put on the dress he had set out for me on the bed. I kissed him on the cheek and told him I'd get ready as soon as I fed the critters. I went out and fed all the dogs, then came back in and pulled out three cans of fancy feast and fed the three cats, then I ran upstairs to see what he had in mind for me to wear today. I turned on the bedroom light and looked at the bed, where there was a beautiful diamond studded white gown with matching shoes. I looked at them for a moment and wondered what he had in mind that would require something that beautiful to wear.

But I decided to humor him, and I put it on, then I went into the bathroom and put my hair up in a messy bun, and put a white flower in my hair, and walked back downstairs to see what he thought. Criss looked at me while I was on the last step and told me I looked absolutely stunning. Then he held his hand out to me and asked me if I was ready to go. I looked right at him and asked him where to? But he just gave me that smile and said it was a surprise, and that I would find out when we made it there. Criss escorted me to the car, then he drove me to a diner. I looked up at him inquisitively, but he went with me into the diner, as we walked in and he took me to a very familiar spot, he sat me down at the table that had nothing on it but two candles and a bottle of champagne with two glasses.

After he sat down he poured the glasses of champagne and handed one to me, we shared a toast but remained silent until we shared a few drinks. I asked him what we were doing here, Criss finished his drink then he stood up and walked up to me and dropped to his knees and presented me with a black velvet box. He slowly opened it and looked up at me and asked me very romantically if I would remarry him. Then it all came back to me, this was the very spot where he first proposed to me 8 years ago, the only difference was his entire family and my parents were there the first time. I burst out emotionally and held out my finger for him to place the new engagement ring in front of my old one, as I crawled into his arms and said yes.

Criss shared a very passionate kiss with me, then after we finished our champagne, he took me to another special location, it was the park, where we had our wedding! And not only was it all fixed up for a wedding, but all our family and friends were there, along with a priest, I looked at him with such love and amazement, he was really going to walk down the aisle with me again for our anniversary. Klayton was holding onto Angela that was all dressed up in her beautiful yellow dress. Criss gave me a bow and linked his arm with mine and the music began to play as he walked with me down the aisle. It was the sweetest thing Criss has done with me in a long time. 

It was so beautiful renewing our vows with one another, as we heard the priest reciting the same speech from our original wedding, then Criss placed my new wedding band in front of my first one, then he swept me off my feet and laid a huge kiss on me, as everyone cheered with tears of happiness streaming down their faces as they tossed rice and flower petals at us as we walked back down the aisle, then I stopped and tossed the small bouquet to the family, and of all people it landed right in Mama D's lap. She smiled and handed it to the girl that came with Carrot-Top, because she said she was too old for that silliness, and John was her only love. Criss then walked with me to the car and told them all that we would meet them over there. I looked up at him and asked him where we were going now? He kissed my hand, and smiled at me and said I would see.

I Still Believe (Criss Angel Sequel from very 1st book *Believe*)Where stories live. Discover now