You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Twenty'Three

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Dear Wattpad readers,

You're going to love this chapter. Sorry for the delay, I'm taking summer courses and it's killing me lol. But it will not stop me! Mwahahaha.

Sincerely with all of my love,



The sky was clear of clouds and the transition from the afternoon to the evening has come and gone. Tall wooden sticks sunk into the ground on each side of the path walk in parallel unison. The black finish seemed invisible as the fire ignited on the tips of these sticks showing off colors of red, orange yellow and hints of purple. The light breeze whisked at the flames but not enough to put it out. 

My eyes then suddenly concentrated at the social interaction of the party. Men gathered around Mr. Adams as they conversed on and about politics, economics and last night's football game. Mrs. Adams had a group of women around her, they looked like a fleet of flying bugs being attracted to a lamp.

Jarred, Mikey and Tony were talking to a couple of girls. The triplets were playing hide and seek in the garden, having fun regardless of the parental supervision.

Me on the other hand I was leaning against the fence that separated our backyard from the Adam's backyard. 

This is the very same fence that I climbed underneath-

Memories suddenly popped into the back of my head and squeezed it's way forward into my vision, as I relived my past. My eyes glanced over to the area where the hole use to be, but I noticed that it was covered up with a garden of roses that were climbing up the fence. 

I felt disappointment emerging, but I shook it off as I surveyed the rest of the backyard. 

The Alice in Wonderland setting that I remembered was still the same except everything has grown with a few new exceptions. The pond that use to be in the middle of the backyard has now been replaced by a pool with a Jacuzzi attached to it. The trees and flowers have grown a little taller and spread out more. 

The fences were a little bit darker and older, the gate that led to the woods behind our houses was still there-

Why was the door open?

I looked over to see that everybody was still in the backyard, except for-


 Where was he? Not that I cared or anything but curiosity got the best of me.

I manuevered my way through the gardens and plants and proceeded onward to the gate. The forest seemed a lot eerie than I remember but I walked on through. 

Their was a trail of sort, the path seemed to be walked on a couple of times.

I followed it, the trees were waving it's branches as the breeze before has danced it's way through the woods. Leaves were falling down swiftly and slowly. The darkness crept it's way into the woods and I pulled my iPhone out to provided some light.

"Okay so this place isn't so creepy at all?" I muttered sarcastically to myself. The noises of the party was gradually replaced by crickets and then I felt goosebumps running up and down my body. 

I held the phone out as I watched my steps, the moon didn't really help the lightening of the situation rather it was hiding behind a bunch of trees. 

Suddenly I found myself in a clearing.

Whoa how did I get here?

In the middle of the clearing laid a fallen tree log, covered with grass and wild flowers.

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