Y/N L/N is a girl with a quirk, her quirk is called blue flame.
Blue flame can be very powerful, but there's a catch.
If the user is seen as weak, or feels weak, the power becomes unstable.
It will slowly eat away at the user, there's is two outcome...
A/N: This has nothing wrong with you at this point in time. Let's begin. :A/N
"Come on! It'll be cute! ~" Aki said chasing you around with a costume, "no I won't!" you yell, "you sure? ~" she said pauting, "I'm sure…" you say, "awwwwww... But... If you wear this" she said still poaching, "I'm sure that Todoroki kid will be all over you~" "AKI!!!" You yell blushing insanely.
In the end she got you in the costume.
I should explain, Every year on Halloween, UA let's students wear in their Halloween costumes. A/N:I'm not sure if this is canon. Let's just say it is for this AU. :A/N
Everyone was already in class talking about their costumes and what not.
Most of them dressed in the hero costumes, a hero they admire,an animal, or a mage, which, princess, prince (the end card).
You walk in kinda uncomfortable.
You had a light blush on your checks making you look even cuter.
This is what you wore:
You noticed that Todoroki wasn't there. He usually was there before you.
You walk to your seat and sit down, you rest your head in your hand as the ears on the costume go down with you.
You felt quite sleepy.
You ended up asleep on the desk, Your head in between your arms.
Soon the class heard a light "purrrrrrrrrrr....... purrrrr ..." everyones curiosity got the better of them as they went lookin to find the source of the cat like sound.
"Y/N? ~" you hear, You slowly flutter your E/C orbs, looking at the source of the sound.
It was Momo and Ochaco.
Momo was dressed in a beautiful pale pink dress that draped to the floor, frilly, yet not too frilly. She had a gentle smile, Like a real princess.
Ochaco wore a solder esque costume, the typical camouflage design and face paint and all. She wore a big goofy grin, She enjoyed wearing it.
"Rise and shine sleepy head~" Momo said calmly.
"Your Prince is waiting~" Ochaco said jokingly.
"What Prince?" you said rubbing your eye gently.
"That Prince~" they said pointing to the door.
A few moments later,
Todoroki entered the classroom, You feel heat rise to your face as you notice what he wore, and what the girls meant.
What he looked like:
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