13| Slug Club Party

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S l u g   C l u b   P a r t y


A/N: try playing the song once they get to the party;)

It was quite apparent that winter had approached Hogwarts. Through the windows of the castle, one can witness silent flakes falling down, sticking to the icy windows.

Christmas was just around the corner and the festive feeling that came with it could be felt from all around Hogwarts. All twelve Christmas trees had been delivered single-handedly by Hagrid and were displayed beautifully in the Great Hall. The banister of the stairs had been decorated with twisted garlands of tinsel and holly. Every suit of armor had everlasting candles glowing inside of their helmets. Numerous amounts of mistletoe were hung beautifully above the intervals along the corridors.

I was in the library, looking through the thousands of books that displayed on the shelves. Harry stood beside me as I stuck a couple of books back into their places while Madam Pince prowled the shelves behind us.

"I don't think I could bare a second more of those two bickering about one another, the way they've been doing." I complained to Harry in a whisper. Ron and Hermione haven't spoken to each other in weeks and for some reason, bashing one another to either Harry or myself in private seemed to be the only thing they were capable of doing these days. Harry only chuckled lightly as a reply while fiddling with the bindings of some of the old books that rested on the shelves. "I'm serious, Harry. I just might explode. One minute I'm telling Ron his points are justifiable and it was Hermione who simply overreacted. Then the next thing I know, I'm telling Hermione she did nothing wrong, rather it was Ron who was at fault.." I placed my last book into the shelf then paused. "I just don't want to lose either one of them as a friend."

Though Harry was going through the same situation as I was, he didn't seem to pay any mind to the risk of losing friendships. In fact, he didn't appear to be stressed at all, rather his mannerisms implied that he was feeling rather relaxed instead.

"How are you dealing with this, when they complain to you?" I questioned while crossing my arms.

"Simple." Harry shrugged. "By keeping my mouth shut." I could tell by his smirk he was half joking, but yet, it was still a valid answer.

I headed toward the isle of shelves in front of me, which happened to be my top pick, the dragon section. They were for certain one of my favorite beasts to study, the way they were so majestic yet terrifying at the same time. Harry simply followed from behind.

Pulling out a book on one of my utmost favorite dragon species, I enthused over its gratifying cover.

"The Antipodean Opaleye" I read aloud. "One of the most elegant dragons in my opinion." My arm reached out, presenting the book to Harry, so that he could see the painted image that displayed over the book's cover. "Aren't they beautiful?"

Harry glanced at the image of the dragon's pearly scales and glittering multi-colored eyes, but for a short moment. After which, his eyes had fixated on me.

"Yes," he nodded while handing back the book. As he did so, his emerald eyes never seemed to move away from my face. "Very beautiful."

Feeling bashful, I quickly looked away, placing the book back in it's rightful order on the shelf, which happened to be beside another favorite breed of mine; the Catalonian Fireball. Without turning my head, I noticed the sound of a quick clearing of the throat which I could only assume had come from Harry.

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