(Filler Chapter) What's going on?!

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(Since I feel like I've been neglecting you guys of updates, so.. here's an AU where everything happened, but they stayed at a really, really fancy hotel, which, of course, was still owned by the Akashis, instead of the Vacation House.)

The next morning, the GoM was waken up by a scream.

The other occupants of the place they were staying at were panicking.

"What's going on?!" Shiori had gotten out of her room and went to check on the other Miracles.

Seishi shrugged but helped Shiori gather everyone, even the Phantom.

"What's going on, Seishi, Shiori?" Ryumii says, obviously shaken from the sudden emergency. The duo shook their heads and replied, "We don't quite know yet."

Seishi thought about it. "It might be something grave, so we have to leave now."

The group had agreed to get away from that place. They got their stuff, waited in Kuroko's room, which was the nearest one to the elevator and was about to leave when they heard a wailing sound.

It was high pitched and forced.

They were all silenced by the sound and was creeped out. Seishi hugged herself, Shiori looked as if she saw a ghost, Aishii was...indifferent, Ryumii and Dakota hugging each other, and Kuroko just came back from packing. He had his backpack slung to his shoulder.

"...what happened here?" Was all Kuroko asked, and the Miracles whipped their heads to the Phantom, signaling him to be quiet.

The creature outside had heard the quiet question and screeched inhumanely as it tried to ram into the room, scratching and screaming at the door.

The Miracles had tried to keep themselves quiet. Fortunately for them, the creature had heard a sound away from them, which gave them time to flee from the room.

The hallway was even worse. It looked like a mess, and the lights had become either broken, shattered or rendered useless. The luxurious hallway had turn into something that of a haunted hotel.

The run to the elevator wasn't that far, after all, the elevator was at the middle, and they were just 6 rooms away. If they took the stairs, it'll take them ages to get there, and ages to get down from the 6th floor. They ran as fast and as quietly as they could.

Ryumii looked scared. She wasn't used to this kind of situation. Kuroko had reassured the blonde as best as he could, and convinced them that they should stay within a group. The others nodded, because they were scared as well. It would be so much different if they were all males.

But they were in this situation, which had made it so much worse for them.

Suddenly, they were being chased. They were just a few meters away from the elevator, too. The phantom pushed the females into the Elevator, and they got away safely.

The way down was scary. No lights, creepy sounds, crying females, and... a jolt that stopped the moving elevator.

They were all surprised when the elevator was stopped. Anxiety and horror had swept through their faces, as it was their only way out.

Scratches. Loud scraping noises against the high quality metal was heard above them. They all covered their ears, as it was really noisy, and it started to hurt their ears.  They felt cornered, as they literally have nothing to go to. They were trapped in a claustrophobia-inducing space, with limited air and moving space.

Then, Dakota had an idea.

She was told before that she should never jump in an elevator, even as a man before. But today, she knows that it'll be their saving grace.

She jumped frantically, thinking that it'll jumpstart the elevator. The others realized what she was doing and joined in. The creature above, probably a female, fell down. She got stuck at the sides, insides and blood decorating the walls of the elevator outside.

What worried them is that it smelled...rotten.

That only meant that...
Whatever was trying to attack them...

Was already dead.

When they had pried the elevator doors open, they had seen the empty halls.

The weird thing was, when it seemed that they went to the lobby, they went to this negative sixth floor instead.

But when they checked the directory of the whole building the first time they checked in,
There wasn't a negative floor. There was nothing underground. But here it was....

And they were standing at the very hallway that was said to be inexistent.

"Strange..." Shiori had looked at the hallway, then the hotel map.

"What is it, Shiori?" The red head questioned her.

"How did we end up here, when we pressed Lobby in the elevator?" Ryumii asked worriedly.

"I don't know.. but as far as I know, this place doesn't exist. Am I right, Seishi?" Shiori asked, looking at Seishi for confirmation.

Seishi nodded in affirmation. The only signal to make the heavy feeling in their guts even heavier. They decided to move forward, as it was the only right thing to do here after doing a headcount. They used their phone's flashlights, which thankfully, were fully charged.

The halls led to a creepy, twisted version of the lobby. A little girl sitting on the velvet couch was the only person that was occupying the creepy space. She was playing with dolls, and was smiling.

They wanted to approach the little girl and ask if she wanted to go with them, as it was the only right thing to do, until they realized.

If the floor wasn't supposed to exist, then..

Why was she there?

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