Chapter Twenty: Thanksgiving Day (Part Two)

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Conversations seemed to start back up when everyone realized Colette would go no further on the subject. I let go of her hand and squeeze her knee. She looks up at me and smiles, it's a bit forced. I can tell her mother struck a nerve. I'm going to have to get her out of here soon.

"So Kent," I look up and meet Andrew's eyes. "what if she is?" he keeps his voice lowered so the entire table doesn't pay attention to us.

I stare at him. Unsure how the answer the question. Finally, I say: "I don't know."

He smirks at me and shakes his head, but drops the subject. I turn to Colette, leaning in to whisper in her ear. "You okay, baby?"

She turns to me smiling slightly. "I'm good. Thank you." she kisses my cheek then goes back to her plate, staring at it blankly. I can tell she's thinking over something, and by the way her face pales, I know it isn't good. But she doesn't say anything, she just excuses herself. Conversations carry on, nobody really paid attention that she left.

Ten minutes pass and she's still not back, I excuse myself from the table and try to go find her. I look down the corridor and up the staircase.

"Colette?" I call out. I hear some shuffling come from her bedroom and head there. I open the door and there she is, searching through her desk, looking for something. "Colette?"

She stands up and turns around so fast, I'm afraid she's going to get whiplash. "Jesus Kent, you scared me." she clutches her heart.

I make my way over to her. "You've been gone for ten minutes, are you okay?" I ask, reaching for her. She sighs and runs a hand through her hair.

"What my mother said got me thinking." she admits. "And the more I thought about it, the more sense it made."

"What do you mean?" I ask worriedly, she bites her lip.

"I've been very emotional, I crave random things, I've gained a pound or two, my breasts are bigger, I thought maybe my period was coming, but it's not." she pauses. "I missed it."

I freeze, not fully comprehending what is happening.

"Kent," she takes my face in her hands, massaging my cheeks with her thumbs. "it's very possible my mother is right. I might be pregnant."

I stare at her, past her.

Pregnant. Possibly pregnant. Very possibly pregnant.

"Kent?" she asks softly, pursing her lips. Her eyes fill up with tears.

Very emotional. I break out of my trance and brings my hands up to her face, calming her. "Hey, hey, don't cry. It's okay, it's fine."

"Kent." she chokes, I wrap my arms around her and rub her back soothingly.

"Calm down. It's okay." I tell her. "I'll schedule a doctor's appointment for you, but on our way home I'm going to get a pregnancy test or something. Just as a basis, alright?"

"Kent, aren't you scared?" she whispers, I let out a laugh.

"You have no idea."

I hold her for a while longer, calming her down. We must have been up here longer than I thought, because Juliette was sent up to retrieve us.

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