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Hades- I get up, get changed, put on jewellery on, do my hair get everything ready (up top) because I'm going to HOGWARTS, Bye, Bye Bitches - only joking. once ready I go down stairs to have my breakfast, to see the table already set up with Moony and Padfoot already sitting at the table. I go and sit down and put some pancakes onto my plate and blood into my cup. I look up from my plate saying "so what are you lot doing today" I smiled

Sirius- I smiled at Hades saying with a dreamful face "well pup today were taking you to the train, then were going out for a bit fun for example a cute little picnic"

Hades- I turn to Remus giving him a playful glare saying "what have you done to my godfather"

Remus- I put my hands up in a surrender sign saying/ giggling "nothing to do with my, he's the one doing that"

Hades- I giggle saying "yeah sure you didn't, just blame you precious mate on it" I shoked my head with a smirk on the face while going back to my food. after finishing went apparated to the train station

.... 9 and 1/3, Train station....

Hades- once we got there I hugged them while they just hugged my to death/ squeezed me to death. once I was on the train I got a compartment at the end of the train all to myself. I pulled the curtains closed and warded/ locked the door so no one could get in the I put a silence charm around the compartment so someone could hear us.

Death- once I sae my master in his compartment, I appeared in it saying "what is it master"

Hades- I put an evil smirk on my face saying "you know the plan right" he nodded what seems to me his head "okay lets get this party started shall we" I reached into my bag that I had with my and got out loads of stink bombs and colour changing bombs and apparated them into each compartment but only the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor's got both but the Ravenclaw and Slytherin only go the colour on and all I could hear was screams, laughed and lot's more emotions around the train "REVENGE IS A MOTHERFUCKERING BITCH" I giggle


Hades- I got into a carriage that had Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville, the Weasley Twins and Ginny in. I sit down between the Weasley Twins saying "hey"

George- "hey the little Hades-"

Fred- "we missed you-"

George- "truly"

Hades- they both wink at my the same with Luna and Neville while Ron, Hermione and Ginny were having the own Conversation. I put on a surprise smile on my face saying/ whispering to them four "you guys know"

George, Fred, Luna and Neville- all nods there head saying "yep" while giggling

Ron- "why do we have to put up with him, all he wants is popularity and all we get is nothing but being his so called friends which I don't want to be especially with him"

Hermione and Ginny- nods heads

Hermione- "at least we get paid to be Potters friend, also when he's dead I will get all of his precious books" I said in an Excited voice

Ginny- "I will have my precious baby from him also once head I will also get money same with the rest of the family but not Fred, George, Percy, Charlie and William (Bill)" I said in a cheerful voice

Ron- I nod my head in agree meant.

Hades- I now had tears in my eyes with both of the twins hugging me with both Luna and Neville concerned with both trying to comfort me as well "why does this always have to happened to me everything turn out to end up being back even though only for a minute it's happy but always get ruined" I said in my small submissive voice


Hades- now that I'm okay I make my way to were the new years are so I can get sorted into a house. once were in to the great hall Dumbledore stands up

Dumbledore- I stand up saying "This year we have a new student joining us into 5th year before this he was taut privately because he was poorly and unfit to come to school but after a year he is not fit to come to school please can I welcome up our Prince of our whole magical world and all our Light and Dark creature please welcome up Hades Quinnzel-Morningstar!"

Hades- I heard everyone one gasped and whisper all around the hall, I went and walked up to the stole and sat down on it but I cleared it first before sitting down with my back straight I turn to look at Professor McGonagall saying "is the hat clean Professor?" she nodded yes before putting it on my head

Alaster- ~ahh, back again are we and this time were to put you~

Hades I think saying in my head back to Alaster ~anywhere you want to put me because your the sorting hat after all~

Alaster- ~well then lets surprise them shall we~

Hades- I nod my head in agreement

Alaster- "HOGWARTS HEIR!" I shouted out loud which made everyone gasp

Hades- ~thank you~

Alaster- ~your welcome you heir~

Hades- I got up and walked over to the Slytherin table and sat down next to Draco Malfoy.

Draco- I put my hand out for him to shake "Hey I'm Draco Malfoy, What's yours Cutie" he puts his hand out to shake mine but once his hand touches mine I think ~mate~

Hades- as soon as he says 'Cutie' I blush but I put my hand out for him to shake but as soon as I touch it I think ~mate~ but then he put his lip on my hands a planets a small kiss on it smiling up at me

Draco- after I kissed his hand I pulled him to my lap and said "aww my cute little mate, our other mates will be very proud of you"

Hades- I squeaked as he put me on his lap but as he said I have more mates I said "theirs more"

Draco- I nod my head and said "Severus Snape and Tom Riddle" I turn my head a gived a look to Sev telling him I found our other mate


To Be Continued

I hoped you enjoyed it


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