TWO HEARTS mengisahkan dua sahabat iaitu Jessica Davidson dan Hazel Daniel yang jatuh cinta dengan seorang lelaki .
Charming and really funny guy . Sesiapa pun yang dekat dengan Travis akan rasa selesa dan maybe 'Terpikat' esp...
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Adoreable . And she have a beautiful eyes . I wish I can have her but ..
"Bro! Apa ko tengok tu?" Patrick
"Err . Nothing" Me
Gila ka mau kasitauu Patrick I love his crush . Mahu cari maut oh . Besides Patrick is my bestfriend . Tak sampai hati pula saya mau merampas crush dia tu .
Tapi ..
She's is my type of girl .
Tapi memandangkan Patrick terlebih dulu so I just keep my mouth silent . I won't tell him . And not going to take what my friends should be belong .
"Yala tu btw how I look? Do I look okay?" Patrick .
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Saya tengok Patrick . This guy . Hm how I'm gonna say . He's looking good . I meant as a guy opinion . Patrick have a nice look . Sedap laa juga mata memandang .
"Okay ba bro . Are you sure are you going to meet that girl and say that you love her or maybe you have to take a baby step bro . Nanti shock pula girl tu" Me
I know it sound macam saya tak galakkan Patrick pikat perempuan tu tapii . You know what . Flirting a girl there's no need to be rush otherwise you will missed a shot . Don't you ever makes the girl freak out on you .
"No ! This is the right time . Besides I being known this girl for my entire life . Since our kinderkids bro" Patrick
Yaa . Patrick kenal girl tu dari zaman mereka budak lagi . So nampak kan alasan terkuat saya untuk kekal keep myself away from my feeling towards that girl .
Patrick deserved to get her . He fall in love with this girl since they were little .
Saya angkat tangan . Surrender mau cakap .
"Baa ok ok . There they are, they are coming to us" sabilang
Patrick punya riak muka mulai nervous . Aduh . Begitu kaa kalau mau confess feeling for the one we adore for the first time ? He's looking quiet nervous . Its look funny but hey don't makes a jokes on people's feeling 😏