Innocent or Guilty?

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It's been a full week with no sign of Kyle. We've been looking for days some with out sleep. We were sitting in the station lobby. "Who would've thought Kyle was the killer." Said Jesse. "Yeah." I responded. I couldn't believe it. Something about Kyle being the Reaper didn't seem right. "I just can't believe that Kyle's the killer." I said. "Why?" Asked Jesse. "Something just doesn't seem right." I responded. Jesse shakes his head. "Nothing ever seems right to you Daniel!" Jesse said annoyed. "I'm sorry but it's true. Somethings off about Kyle being a killer." Jesse and John roll their eyes. "Think about it The Reaper already framed three other people." "True." Said Jesse. "He's too good at framing people." Said John. "Yeah that's for sure. Then all of the people he frames ends up six feet under ground." I said. "What do you mean?" Asked John. "I mean they die... They die...Kyle he's GOING TO DIE!" I said. "If he is indeed innocent he'll be dead by dawn." Said Jesse. "We need to stop what ever is about to happen." Said John. "We can't." I say. "Why not?" Asks John. "We don't know if he's innocent for sure." "Plus we can't just kill him if he is innocent." Added Jesse. "Oh ok." Said John. It sucked knowing there was nothing I could do. 


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