Recovery from the flames

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I was just laying there on the hospital bed. "Why did this happen?" I ask myself. "Yeah you don't deserve this." Jesse said. I could barely stand the pain I wanted to go numb or die at least I don't have to deal with the burns. "Did you see the guy's face?" Jesse asked. "No. The had a mask thing to hide his face." "Wow he is smarter than I thought." Jesse laughed. "Yeah." I tried to laugh but it would hurt like crazy. "Sorry I'll try not to make you laugh." He said. Witch is sad because he's really good at comedy. Then all of a sudden I feel really dizzy and everything goes blurry. "Is this it am I dyeing?" Then I pass out. When I wake up I hear: " DANIEL WAKE UP COME ON DANIEL!" "What?" I say. "You had me worried." Said the doctor. "What happened?" " we almost lost you!" He said. Somewhere inside my mind I wish they did. The burns were so bad I couldn't feel anything but pain. "Hey doc can you numb my pain?" I asked. He nodded and got a needle. He injected it into my arm. Almost instantly the pain went away. After about a week I could finally walk. I checked out of the hospital and went to Jesse's house. Be agreed in letting me stay until I found a place to live.

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