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     I'm bored . . . . and I'm going to be silly and start another book, that I will more than likely never be able to keep up with.....  but all well, what can I do, you like it and I like it....

     The past of Kira from the Amamiya Brothers' fan fiction, and what shaped her into the character she is.

     The past of Kira from the Amamiya Brothers' fan fiction, and what shaped her into the character she is

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     I still remember their faces, their smiles . . . it was printed so clearly in my five year old mind, so clearly that I would never forget.

     I curled up, my slim arms wrapping around my legs, as I buried my head in my knees, my hair sticking to my face as I sobbed continuously.

     The stranger was a bad man . . . it was a bad present . . . but it was too late . . . to late to give the present back . . . to late...

*Earlier that night*

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*Earlier that night*

     I snuck down the old, wooden stairs.  They creaked under my feet, the sound seeming to echo throughout the house.  I paused briefly, not daring to move another muscle in case it woke Mama and Papa up.

     After being satisfied that they were still fast asleep, I continued on my journey, from the bedroom to the kitchen.  Clutching my little golden teddy-bear with my small chubby hands as I went.

     I'd woken up in the night, I'd had a nightmare, but Honey Teddy, my golden bear, had cheered me up, promising the keep me safe from the bedtime monsters, lurking underneath my bed and in my closet.

     And after I'd built up enough courage I'd clambered out of bed, hesitantly poking my head underneath my bed seeing if the monsters were still there.  Satisfied that Honey Teddy had scared them away I'd suddenly realised that I was hungry . . . and a bit thirsty too so I'd sneaked down to the kitchen, with Honey Teddy in case the bedtime monsters came back.

     I reached the kitchen, and extended my little arm pushing the door open with a squeak.  I quickly clambered over to the cookie barrel.

     My reached up trying to grab it, but my short legs refused to let me reach that high.

     I pouted and stared up at the cliff of cupboards, pondering as to how to reach that cookie barrel, before daylight.

     Suddenly an idea popped into my head, and I plodded over to one of the breakfast stools and began tugging at a leg with all my little might, putting my whole body into it.

     It squeaked and scrapped across the floor, and I was sure that Mama and Papa would hear, but they didn't seem to come down . . . they must be in a deep sleep, I thought before successfully pushing the stool the rest of the way, placing it strategically beside the worktop with the cookie jar on it.

     I twirled around and set Honey Teddy down on the black and white tiled floor, patting her head.

"This isa longs jony, yousa stays heres."-I said firmly before doing a minnie salute.

     I wiggled my toes and placed them on the first ledge of the stool, grabbing hold of the top of the stool, and pulling myself up with a grunt.

     I little eyes widened as the stool wobbled dangerously, and I reached out to the worktop, my small fingers scraping at the smooth worktop, hopelessly searching for grip.  A welp escaped my lips when I found nothing, and found the stool beneath me tipping over, bring me down with it.

     I tried to scream, arms wrapped around me, and a firm grip was placed over my mouth, my scream coming out as a mere muffle.

     Fire coursed through the house, Mama screams howled out over the noise of the raging fire, and Papa shouting as he pounded at the bedroom door

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     Fire coursed through the house, Mama screams howled out over the noise of the raging fire, and Papa shouting as he pounded at the bedroom door.  I cried on the other side, staring at the mountain of tables, chairs, and household furniture blocking my parents in their room as the fire flew wildly around inside their bedroom.

     Smoke swirled out from underneath the door, and rose up through the barrier.  I pushed and pulled at a table, but it was too heavy . . . it didn't move an inch.

     A blood curdling scream pierced the night, echoing in my mind, printing itself on millions of copies before fading away, and then there was silence.

     A deadly silence...

     The fire continued to eat away at my parents bedroom door, seeking to escape and burn away the rest of the house to nothing, but I didn't move . . . not even an inch.

     My eyes grew wide as tears stared to fill them.  I rubbed my sleeve across my face quickly washing them away, but they refilled just as fast.

     I may not know much, but I did now that I won't be seeing Mama and Papa any time soon...  A small evil thought kept whispering in the back of my mind saying, 'You'll never see them again! Never!'

"Nooo!"-I screamed getting up and running away.

     I clutched Honey Teddy tighter as I ran down a side alley opposite from my home, sirens could be heard in the distance slowly closing in, and rain stared to pelt down mixing with my tears as I ran away from my home, my parents, my friends, . . . my whole life...

     Shivering and shaking I collapsed beside a dumpster, huddling up against it seeking warmth.  Hugging my knees, swaying from side to side, sobs raking my small body.

"Mama, Papa pweas come backa..."-I mumbled, which only caused me to cry harder.

     I pondering as to whither or not as to publish this chapter

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     I pondering as to whither or not as to publish this chapter . . . . I'll just do it, regret it later, but do it now!!! :D


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