Chapter 19: Someone to Trust

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(Fitting Music:  Tate McRae - you broke me first)

     My skin glistened with a sheen of sweat, my nails digging into the soft skin of my palm as people bustled around.  Eyebrows furrowed and etched with deep thoughts whirling in the confines of their mind.

"How are we supposed to help her?" once voice questioned, dropped my arm and a series of quiet pops accompanied the movement.  I gritted my teeth in response, further trying to edge away from the prodding hands.

     Pain shot across my torso as fingers flitted over the area and a sharp chin jutted at the edge of my vision, the man commenting bitterly, "Better yet, why should we help her?"

     I recognised the figure as Dan as he swung around to face a male lingering in the far corner.

"She hasn't done anything for us!" his finger jabbed back at me. "Left me to die!"

     I had to admit he had a point.  If it was up to me, I would not be here.  I did not want to be here.  I could not even look at Dan's jaw blotched with bruises, and knowing it was my fault they were there.

     The dark silhouette rose from his plush seat and covered the ground between him and Dan.  Staring the other man down, the two had a silent battle of wills eventually ending with Dan turning his face away; finding interest in the chiming door as another male entered--I did not recognise him.

"Cobra..." Dan whispered a final plea. "We don't owe her anything."

     Cobra shakes his head, strands of rich blonde hair cascading down his forehead.  "It is because of her, you're still here."  He reasons.  Eyeing the newcomer the male proceeds to set his hair back in order.

"Chiharu," the blonde greets.

     Chiharu nods his head in acknowledgement before shuffling over to the counter near the centre of Itokan Diner, barely setting a pharmacist bag down before he is sorting out the contents, arranging them in some kind of system.  "They didn't have everything," he mutters, stepping back to take in the medical supplies.   Chiharu folds his arms; tapping one foot steadily against the wooden planked floor.

     A sigh issues from Dan and he heads outside and a small bell dings to signal his departure.  My thoughts turn inward and Chiharu and Cobra's voices blur into soft background noise.  I sat propped up against the bar, a man, Yamoto, stood over me.  He was tall and imposing and in my current predicament and position, it was very unnerving.  My mind presented me with a multitude of different situations involving an angry Hoodlum Squad member, none of which were pleasant before drifting away to my injuries.

     My chest burned with each breath, no doubt from a broken rib.  Hot blood stuck to my face and neck--pulling my skin tight.  Sharp lines of agony clawing across my once smooth features.  My left arm was numb with pain and I did not have to look at my shoulder to know there was a large lump protruding in such a way that was unnatural.

     Cobra squatted down in front of me, his lips moving but I failed to pick up the words--too mesmerized in his eyes.  Dark maroon orbs tinged with topaz speckles, he trained those ebony orbs on me and I found myself pulled back to the present.  Fear twisted my stomach in knots, and my eyes darting over his frame--trying to discern his purpose.

"Your shoulder is dislocated," he repeated.

"I'm going to-" he paused to move his shoulder back in a roll.  "Pop it back in," he finished.

     I moved to weakly shake my head, an uncomfortable nausea rising.  This man was a stranger no matter how much Takeru trusted him.  Heck, Takeru was more of a mystery!  There was not one shred of evidence as to why this man would want to help me.  Dan was right.

     My back pressed further against the bar my eyes wide and alert as I tried to edge away.  However, Yamato with one large step was pressing against my side with one of his long legs.  Horror shot through me as my arm was taken up in Cobra's grasp.  A whimper was torn from my lips my gaze pleading as the man nodded to his companions.  In a moment, too fast to follow, I was away from the safety of the bar the cool air stinging my back whilst I was moved to a more favourable position.

     I fought against my attackers, growling and pulling away, but it was to no avail.

"Stop fighting," a soft voice hushed reassuringly, "I am not going to hurt you."

     My mind screamed that it was lies, warning me to get away, be anywhere else but here, but I could not . . . there was nowhere to go, I was trapped.

     Tears burned my eyes, splashing down on the dusty planked floor as searing pain spread across my entire arm.  My strangled scream mixed with a loud pop, agony exploding and dissipating all at once.  I yanked my arm out of the blonde's now gentle hold, cradling it beneath my frame as sobs racked my body in violent seizures.

     A hand came to rest on my back, but I kicked out with my foot.  It came in contact with something solid before I scrambled away.  With my back now planted firmly against the bar I glowered, "Stay away from me!"  My voice was cracked a broken, raw from emotion and agony.

     Cobra had taken the brunt of my hit, but it did not seem to affect the man as he jumped to his feet and cautiously approached.  His hands were spread out at his sides, palms up.

"We're not here to hurt you," he explained, "We're here to help."

     I did not trust him, I did not know if I could, but I desperately wanted to.  My heart yearned to trust someone not to have to worry every waking hour . . . to have someone to rely on . . . to be safe...  Was it too much to ask?  For the majority of my life, it had been . . . but now, now . . . would this time be any different?

     Before my mind could come to any sort of decision, exhaustion caught up with me and I found blackness overtaking my vision and then, finally, my consciousness.

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