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Your fingers come back from Law's hat with a golden ticket.

Nami smiles maliciously at you.

«Seems like you got the fine lawyer.»


She waves at the musketeer who's solitarily sipping from his drink in a corner. Your heart misses a beat when Drake turns to you.

You barely know him, although he lives in your same complex. He's kind of a lone wolf.

Drake doesn't seem impressed with the situation and reaches you walking slowly.

«H-Hey...» you mutter.

When he enters her reach, Nami grabs both of you from your wrists and pulls you in the closet, closing the sliding door behind you among general laughter.

«So... I didn't know you were coming.» you try with a shy smile.

Drake hums.

«Sabo insisted. He says that it's important to be social, in order to become good lawyers.»

«Is that so.»

Before you could prevent it, your focus falls on the scar on his chin. He notices it, and you immediately move your glance on the wall beside him.

«Sorry, I didn't mean to stare.»

His hand travels to his scar, tracing the borders lightly.

«It's fine, I'm used to it.»

«I don't mind scars!» you hurriedly say. Then you realize you may have come a little too strong, and a warm sensation spreads on your cheeks. But his lips curl in a vague smile.

«Don't you? Girls usually do.»

«Well, don't tell me you have problems getting women, cause I don't believe you.» you smirk.

He shrugs.

«Honestly, I'm focused on my work now.»

«I can imagine. I mean, I know Sabo works a lot, so it's probably the same for you.»

«It is.» he lifts an eyebrows «We live in the same complex, but it's like we don't know each other at all.»

You nod.

«You work at the comic store, don't you?»

An involuntary smile bends your lips.

«Yes! You should come visit.»

«Maybe I will. It's just... don't take this the wrong way, but your boyfriend seems a bit annoying.»

You frown.

«My boyfriend?»

«Yeah, the punk guy with green hair.»

A loud gasp escapes your throat.

«What?! Barto is not my boyfriend!»

The look on Drake's face is puzzled now.

«Isn't him?»

You shook your head with decision.

«Of course not! He's a close friend and a co-worker, yeah, but nothing more!»


Drake's attitude suddenly changes, and you feel the air in the closet heating up as he takes a step towards you.

Wait, what is going on?

Before you can realize the situation, he firmly places his hands on your hips, holding you there, and bends on your smaller figure.

You observe in shock his warm body coming impossibly closer, and when his face brushes with yours, you shut your eyes closed.

Sure he was going to kiss you, you're surprised when his unexpectedly soft lips press a delicate kiss on the corner of your mouth. It lasts a few seconds, then he pulls away, noses brushing, staring in your eyes.

«I'm not the kind of guy who goes all out on a woman the first time we speak.» you feel his finger slipping something in your pocket «But I definitely think we should talk more often.»

You open your mouth, looking for the words, but the door of the closet bursts open and a grinning Nami jumps in.

«TIME'S UP! Did you two have fun?»

Drake calmly removes his hands from your hips and walks out, as you struggle to regain your balance.

Your fingers reach for your pocket.

«What's this?» Nami curiously ask, sliding beside you.

You both stare at Drake's card, then her smirk widens.

«Looks like someone had a hit!»

One Piece 7 Minutes in Heaven - HALLOWEEN SPECIALWhere stories live. Discover now