Prologue... or a very beautiful day in New York

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It was a shiny and sunny day in New York City. The birds were chirping in the big apple park, some people were biking and others ate yummy ice cream.

Probably even Captain America himself sat on some bank and drew the beautiful scenery you could see today everywhere in New York.

Expect in the workshop of the popular Tony Stark which was right in the middle of New York in the big Avengers Tower and had no window.

Loud rock music was played there - a normal human would become deaf - even loader than a rock concert.

A man clothed in just a AC/DC t-shirt and ripped jeans stood behind a big working table with different hologram schematics of another Ironman around him.

"Ugly", the billionaire said as he threw away one holograph so it disappeared.

"And what's that?", Tony asked while he took a sip out of his 'That's the genius. He knows what he does.' cup he got from Bruce last Christmas.

Dear god what had happened since then? The genius remembered the times not so long ago where the avengers were a teams. And now?


They were now just a broken dream of his father. A vision for the protection of earth gone to ash. A parted family.

"Delete all blue prints of Mark-XLIX. Delete everything. And begin a new File with the name Alpha-I."

"Sir, I don't think that would be wise-", a robotic voice warned Tony sounding very worried.

"Jarvis, shut up. We both know I am gonna to die. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow. My heart is weak as shit, my ribs break just from a soft punch, my lungs are also not the best with giving me regularly short breath and I cannot properly use my arm anymore after Siberia."

Talking as much as Tony did he got difficulties with breathing. In cause of his fastened short breath he accidently swallowed his saliva and started coughing.

His coughing wouldn't stop. It was even worse than after coming home from Siberia as Tony had caught a bad cold.

Jarvis, the AI created by Tony, watched helpless his master in the bad condition he was while one of the small robots with the name Dum-E rolled over to the genius and pated him as softly a over two decades old robot with an outdated own artificial intelligence at the state of a nine year old child could do it.

"Butterfingers-", a loud cough interrupted Tony till he spoke on, "bring me the formula."

"Sir, I know the circumstances but I also know the dangers that Extremis brings. If only you would wait!-"

Tony ignored the said warning and turned Jarvis mute. As well h the genius turned off all protocols regarding Jarvis power in his lab and established a contact lock between the house keeper AI and his little robots.

Meanwhile the small robot Butterfingers wheeled over to a refrigerator where several chemicals were kept cool and took a small angry electric blue glowing bottle out of it. He turned, rolled back and put it up on the table right before Tony.

"So. Let's see if it works..."

The genius was whispering to himself because he knew the hazards, too.

If the formula acts too fast, he's gonna to die.

If the formula doesn't get accepted, he's gonna to die.

If the formula can't rewrite Tonys DNA, he's gonna to die.

If the formula can't heal him, he's gonna to die.

This list could go on forever with so many risks and very high- too high- probalities of them happening. Tony still coughed as he watched down to Butterfingers.

His coughing stopped sometime but it already made Tony realize that he was out of time. Sad he cautiously kneed down with aching kneecaps to one of his robots he was so very proud of since they all became somehow his children.

Tony watched them as they adapted to their surrounding for the first time, learning the meaning behind the language Tony spoke and beginning to develop a free will of their own even if they never really rebelled against their masters orders since he was a father to them, too.

"You, come here little guy. Daddy wants to hug you and your brothers."

You joined the genius and his robot brothers and beeped confused because he being the least advanced robot out of his brethren had difficulties with understanding the situation.

Especially as they were hugged by their master who started to cry. "Jarvis, I know you can still hear me. If something goes wrong please care for your little brothers. There is also a timer set which will all protocols on again and de-mute you."

Suddenly Tony stood up and took a syringe. He filled it with the electric blue liquid from the bottle and injected it in his arm.

There was a slight burn around the place of the injection as the blue glow went up in Tony's veins till they disappeared leaving no trace behind of the formula ever being here.

"I don't understand."

In the same moment Jarvis turned back on.

"Sir, although I am very angry with you I did some scans and it appears that the formula works slow - slower than expected - but in a good pace. It also seems to be accepted by your immune system. I congratulate you, Sir. Extremis is stable.... And a stranger left a package at the doorstep while you had shut me down."

"A package?", Tony questioned after he happily partied in his mind for surviving and stabilizing Extremis but he was conspicuous about the package. There should be no package on his doorstep. Not until Tony or once upon a time Pepper authorized the person to enter the Stark property.

And Tony didn't authorized a package delivery for today.

"Yes. A package. Scans have proved that it contains no bombs, weapons, bugs or other things of this category

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