Chapter 1 - 19th November 1938

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Although Bucky desperately tried to keep Steve in their flat the somewhat rebellious man took his winter coat and escaped from his overprotective friend who was actually something like a brother to him.

Leaving the stair case Steve walked on the muddy grey sidewalk of New York's streets since there were so many people on the way the snow had already melted although it was damn cold.

Tugging his coat together Steve went in the direction of the next park for a walk because he just wanted to enjoy one of the beautiful sides of New York after being held in his own flat.

Even if it meant to go out in this frisking cold what made Steves ears, face and hands freeze.

While walking to the next park he had to squeeze himself through the mass of people that had concentrated due the slippery streets.

At another place in New York was a very bright light and literally spit out Tony Stark in a height of about four meters making his arrival not really comfortable.

"What the actual shit? What is going on?"c, Tony cursed and did it even more in his mind because Extremis mi might be stabilized but worked slow so two of his ribs were broken of his fall.

And some other not that important bones what Tony could ignore after the years of pains.

But the cold around him was hard to ignore and the snow in this creepy alleyway was not really comforting.

Also his short-breath - He should have made Extremis faster. He hated it's slow pace already. - didn't help either as Tony remembered Siberia.

It was cold there, too. Not even so much colder than it was in this alleyway.

And Tony was alone again.

He did not panic.

He did not hyperventilate.

It was just his stupid body which could not handle the broken ribs.

Yep. This unsteady breathing did have nothing to do with another panic attack.

And the shield he saw in his chest-

Oh fuck. Tony did have a panic attack. And he hallucinated Siberia again.

That's the thing that made him feel very uneasy and set up.

Damn. As hard Tony tried to stay calm it just made his panic worse and the genius began to lose control all over again.

"He's my friend.", Rogers said - the betrayal hurt him to much for the first name base or friendly nicknames.

Rogers let him fall like everybody else. Tony gave them everything he had - a home, Stark weapons, money and last but not least his trust.

It was not like Tony trusted everyone who ran in his way.

Pepper would agree with him sighing very annoyed.

It took Tony years to fully trust Pepper, Rhodey and Happy.

He had trust issues. It was something that came with his legacy.

But the first true betrayal Tony ever experienced was the betrayal of his fathers friend Obadiah Stane.

It really worked him up.

"He's my friend"

This sentence played over and over in his head.

After all Tony did not even Rogers trusted him? The person he though of as a friend?

The person he showed the modern days, explained history that happened since World War Two - the Cold War and Vietnam was not really easy to explain to such a patriotic and stupid optimistic man like St...Rodgers - and even let the soldier in his workshop while he worked on his projects.

He was tossed away like some old toy.

"That shield doesn't belong to you! You don't deserve it! My father made that shield!"

There was a crashing sound from something metallic falling to the ground.

Meanwhile Steve was almost at the park as he heard somebody in the alley to his left.

"That shield doesn't belong to you! You don't deserve it! My father made it!"

He turned his head in the direction of the loud forced whispering and jogged over in that alleyway.

"Hello? Somebody here?"

Going further in this little bit creepy alley Steve called out still not seeing the panicking man who was about ten twenty meters before him.

"Did you know?" A furious griefing cry was shouted at the other end of the alley.

There was a quiet sobbing.

Steve wondered what was going and noticed the man who layed in the snow probably freezing his ass off.

The man seemed to have a fit of terror and not be able to understand what was going on as the stranger hyperventilated and shook.

Then the stranger suddenly sat up and grabbed Steve on his collar.

"Don't bullshit me, Rogers! Did you know?"

This was getting weird. So Steve did something he learned from Bucky. If someone grabbed your collar punch his nose as hard you can.

He punched the strangers nose so the man let out and was confused.

Then he waited for the man to react - what was actually a very stupid idea since the man was bigger and stronger then Steve - and waited.

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