Chaper 3 - 20th November 1938

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It was the next day since the genius made a deal with the two Brooklyn boys about letting him sleep first before he had to explain everything.

A great deal if you asked Tony.

So it was somewhere above lunchtime as the genius got waken up by Bucky, as the man literally slapped him awake.

Shrieking out of shock Tony fell once again to the floor although the wood piles were a little bit less hard than the ceramic bath tube.

"Damn! Why did you wake me up?!", he complaining while he rolled himself on his back and tried to sleep on.

"Steve made his delicious Irish brew and I though you might be hungry, too. If you little ray of sunshine don't want to get up up and join us for lunch it won't matter because it means more brew for me."

Clearly showing what he though about Bucky Tony flipped his middle finger and stood up, before he followed a sweet smell.

There he found Steve who already sat at the set kitchen table waiting for them to join him.

"This brew tastes good.", the genius said after he began to eat just to gather some nerved glances.

"What's the matter?"

Steve shook his head and Bucky giggled quietly.

Then the small boy like man put up his hands on the table, followed by Bucky and the two of them prayed.

"Dear Father, we thank you for our meal, our healthiness and luxury you gifted us with. We thank you and praise you for your wisdom and gratitude. Please bless our meal, Father. Amen."

What the heck- Tony did not know about this, too. Since when could Steve cook and prayed?

The legend has never done something like that. Steve even tried to go them all out of the way.

Stunned Tony huffed, before he got a "Didn't you forget something?" mean look from the once gonna be legend.

Which despite its already existing scariness was hilarious since Steve looked like a pouting child in cause of his high.

"Eh- sorry for laughing but you just look funny- Amen? Was it that you wanted me to say? I don't really know Christian traditions because I grew up in a atheistic household.", the genius
uttered giggling and got another disapproving glance from Steve.

"Stop provoking Steve. I am hungry so let's start eating."

Steve had been stopped from saying something stupid by Bucky.

And the three of them started lunching, no one was saying a word.

But there was a questioning atmosphere what made Tony slightly nervous so he started to explain.

"My name is Tony. My mother was a Italian and my father was a fellow American."

Wrinkling his eyebrows Steve laid down his spoon and turned to Bucky, who simply shrugged.

Then he glanced back to Tony and begann with his questioning.

"First of all. Why were you just in pants and a shirt in that alley?"

That was a good question. If he knew the answer he would have already said it.


He wouldn't. Even if he knew that Steve wasn't the Captain America who betrayed him and Bucky not the Winter Soldier that killed his parents he couldn't bring himself to trust them.

"Frankly, I don't know. I remember working in my lab. Then there was a bright light, pain and coldness. What came after that is fuzzy."

"You looked shell-shocked. It's weird because you don't seem to be a veteran."

"You need no war to experience some pretty bad shit.", Tony muttered. Memories from Afghanistan came up making him shudder.

Suddenly Bucky took Tony's hand without even a warning.

Not able to think straight the genius flinched, before he stood up, dragged Bucky over the table and punched his attacker till his hand bleed.

"What was that?!", he asked enraged while his mind was booting again.

Bucky, who got a bleeding nose, responded skeptical because of Tony's reaction.

"You don't trust us."

"I hardly trust anyone. Especially not people who let me slip.", Tony answered in a sarcastic kind that had a serious undertone.

To break the tension Steve knocked on the table before he spoke. "So you don't really know how you got here, don't trust us either and probably have got no place where you can stay."

Bucky made a grimace already knowing what Steve was going to propose to this strange man named Tony.

"Jesus, Steve. Are you
Crazy?!", he shouted as he suddenly stood up and threw his arms very dramatically through the air at the same time he went on with his enraged shouting.

"You have to be kidding me! That's even worse than that time you signed up for theatre - frankly you are the worst actor I've ever seen on stage."

"I haven't done anything, yet!"

In defense Steve took his hands up.

"Since the couple of elderly man is fighting I'll just go and sleep a little bit."

Tony had almost reached the couch. But... Bucky had to notice his absence immediately and dragged the genius back to the kitchen.

Then the man left Tony with Steve in silence not even saying a word as he disappeared.

Not knowing what to do do Tony simply asked Steve the first question that came up in his mind.

"Sooo... do you like bananas?"

"Eh... what's a banana?"

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