( っ'-')memories( っ'-')

128 10 15

I got nothing to say so

Mari POV

"Why does school hate me" I saw myself hit the desk as I got in class with Alya and Maylene.

"Maybe you should try listing instead of sleeping" Alya laughed as I was about to fall asleep.

"And get more sleep" Maylene added as she giggled.

It was a normal day at school when it all happened. Everyone had to run home as they herd the alarms.

"Alright everyone turn to page 109" as she said that we all turned our page notebook.

"Okay today *alarms go off* uuhh, alright I need everyone to go home immediately" she yelled out from the loud alarms.

I still remember it like it wax yesterday. I turned to the right side of my pillow facing the wall.

"WHAT'S GOING ON!!" Everyone started getting their things and running to the direction of there homes.

As I was running I almost got ran over by a car.

"WATCH OUT!" someone pushed me out of the way. As the car was on fire and crashed in the entrance of the school doors. It exploded but the boy covered us with his hands as a shield to protect us from the pieces that where flying everywhere.

"Are you okay" the person who pushed me was on top of me. The floor was cold but as I looked into his green eyes I felt... Safe. (Aaawww!!! Sorry)

"Y-ya i-i-i'm o-okay" he helped me up from the ground. We said are goodbyes and ran in our different directions.

As I kept trying to remember his face I was getting closer to falling aslep by the second.

Nathaniel POV (don't ask 😑)

I was walking to my room when I heavy breathing ad if someone was dying.

It was coming from Marinette's room. I walked up to here room and opened the door my a little peak. I saw that we was in her bed moving around while hitting her pillow and the bed sheets.

Here closed eyes looked like they where leaking with tears.

I slowly opened the door more and walked up to her bed. She turned around so now she was facing the other side.

I walked closer to her bed and kneeled down so I was facing her beautiful face.

*deep breath*

I saw that parts of here hair was covering her face. I moved some strains of her hair to the side of here face and just admire the curves of here face.

The texture...

The smell of here hair...

Her beauty...

(Forgive me Adrinette😢)

I want her...

All of her...

I desire here..

(THAT'S IT I CAN'T DO THIS- gets ice cream and eats it silently in the corner- I'LL JUST MOVE IT TO TOMORROW 😄)

•~The next day•~

Alex POV
Last night was a nightmare. Nathaniel almost kissed Marinette. Which means he almost stole her first kiss. I was relieved that I pulled him out of the room before that happened... And also happy that Mari didn't wake up because if she did I'd be a goner.

When i told Alya she flipped, literally. She flipped the tables in the kitchen and threw her stuff all over the place. I hade to clean up her room because she was crying saying "I knew it was a bad idea to let him stay". Can't say I don't agree.

That idiot is not even suppose to be here. He said he's from our school, and yet none of us know him or ever even seen him.

Now that I think about it... At our school (forgot the name) we know everyone and when there's a new student the word gets out fast. So how come no ones seen Nathaniel before...

"Alya! Are you done thinking about food. We have to decide who's going to the school remember" Kim said hitting me behind my head playfully.

"Hey! Watch it!" I said kicking him.

"Both of you stop playing around, we have to go meet up with the others" Nathaniel said walking by us.

I wonder...

News on TV

They said it started with a young scientist who is still in training.

He invented the cure to cancer but immediately got fired after they checked the ingredients on how the kid made it.

He is now the most dangerous and wanted criminal. He has bright red hair and dull blue eyes.

They say that this kid might dk something extremely dangerous in the future that might affect our world forever if he was allowed with the ingredients and other scientific experiments in the science lab.

No way...

Could he be...


I wonder what Alya ment 🤔

So many mysteries...

So many deaths...

For one who has been forgotten..

May never be forgiven...

One opertunity...

Among the living...

Will he survive..

Or just walk to his death...


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