28 - Control Media

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                Meanwhile, in the opposite side of the city, at the top floor of Lind Corp Tower, Andrew Marks stood in front of the Owner's desk. James Lind was sitting in his leather chair facing the curtain wall to look out into the city. In silence, the old regal man sat there observing the busy below him while his secretary gave the report.

"I see..."

Even after he reported Eli Frye's actions toward the reporter who took the photos of the Arabic Prince and Calla, Andrew Marks could not read any emotions from the old man's tone or expression.

"Cut the source. Destroy the man... It seems that Eli Frye has feelings for Calla"

Andrew Marks silently agreed with James Lind statement. Just like James Lind had said, Eli Frye had cut all sources related to the Arabic Prince and Calla, while destroying the reporter who started it all. And Eli Frye had done it because of Calla. His reason had been clear – to protect Calla Lind.

"He still has much to learn..." James Lind smile was calculative and sharp. "Contact Sun, Koll, and Main"

Andrew Marks quickly took notes.

"Tell them to boycott Dawn"

Sun, Koll, Main, and Dawn were the four largest news stations in the country. Dawn was the station which broadcast Calla together to the Arabic Prince.

"Cancel all contracts dealing with H.S. Oil"

H.S. Oil was linked to Hasid Shah, the royal Arabic Prince – sixth in line for the throne to his country. Most importantly, the man is the father of Malik Shah.

"If Mr. Shah wants to speak to you" Andrew Marks asked carefully.

"I'm unavailable" James Lind said without any concern.

Knowing well not to question further, the secretary closed his notebook and prepared to leave.

"That granddaughter of mine" James Lind said before Andrew Marks turned to leave. "Have someone pick her up tomorrow afternoon"

"Yes sir"

After the young secretary exited, he let out the breath that he had been holding in since he entered the office.

"Calla Lind" Andrew Marks looked down at his notebook. "To go such length to protect her..."

With a wry sigh, the young man head down the empty corridor.

CALLA : BOOK IIWhere stories live. Discover now