44 - Revenge

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                It took nearly a month after the kidnapping incident before my life went back to normalcy. Because my identity was exposed, I moved out of Sora Tower and purchased a secluded mansion just outside of the city. On top of the move, I now have unwelcomed bodyguards shadowing me whenever I leave my condo. James Lind, Alexander Locke, and Eli Frye all felt the need to have guards following me in "secret" for my "safety". I didn't bother to fight nor do I have the energy to fight with them since it's futile to argue with overbearing men.

The biggest change is my schedule at Yale. Because the university wished to remain paparazzi free, the university President made an exception for me to attend class through a web call. It was fortunate on my end that there are only a few months left before I finish the degree, so the university President allowed such exception. Of course, I insisted to pay any and all adjustments or set up made in the classroom.

"Miss Calla, Princess Ayla Shah is requesting a visit"

I was playing the Liebig in the study when George came with the request. I was not surprised with the Arabic Princess sudden visit. In fact, for weeks now Ayla Shah had tried to reach out of me but I had my people rejected all of her people calls.

"Shall I call master?"

No one could just send away royalties without expecting repercussion. George understood that so think to call my grandfather. After all, James Lind isn't a nobody. The old man would turn away the Queen of England and not blink an eye when he does.

"No, that won't be necessary George. Please have her wait in living room"

George went to receive the guest while I put away the Liebig. Moments later, I head toward the living room quarter to see the regal princess sitting in one of the lounge chair while George served her tea. There was only 1 personal assistant standing behind her, while the rest of her guards wait outside.

"Your highness" I greeted without a smile.

"Ayla" She stood and reached for my hand. "Calla, I'm sadden by the coldness"

The woman showed genuine unhappiness, but I couldn't afford to be soft with her. After all, she's here for her grandson.

"Calla, let me apologize on my grandson's behalf"

This was the second time she apologized to me for that playboy prince. I knew it was mainly due to my relation to James Lind. If not for my grandfather – if not for my family's name, the royal princess would not be apologizing to me. The recent rumor of Malik Shah and I barely died when the kidnapping happened. My grandfather had cut all ties with the Shah even though it cost him millions. Still it's the Shah who received the greater lost – in billions. The woman probably understood that it was all connected to her favorite grandson.

"No need to apologize your highness. In the end, my sister and I came out safely"

"You're upset" Ayla Shah stated the obvious.

But I was beyond upset. I was annoyed and pissed off. It was a miracle that I can maintain a calm, cool expression.

"Calla, please allow me to make this up to you and your sister"

I shook my head softly with an empty smile. There was nothing she could offer that would offset what her grandson had caused.

"Your highness"

"Ayla" She insisted. "Please Calla"

"Ayla" I spoke bluntly. "What your grandson did, there is no need for you to apologize. I won't accept it from you"

From her troubled expression, I knew how harsh I was being. She had no reason to receive my cold words. She was just being a doting grandmother. But because of her spoiling, that grandson of hers is becoming debauched – disregarding people without a care for any consequence.

"Instead of the man himself, his grandmother is the one apologizing. Ayla, how can I accept it?" I looked straight into her eyes. "Will you accept such insincerity?"

Ayla Shah went quiet.

"I have spoiled him greatly..." She said with defeat in her quiet tone. "His mother passed before he could walk. His father, my son cared more about his business than his son... Malik... I practically raised him as my own"

I understood that the woman loves her grandson dearly. She had only wanted to give her grandson the best of the world.

"Ayla" I soften my tone and expression. "Love does not always equate to spoiling. By covering and indulging his every whim, how will he develop? What will happen when you're no longer there to spoil him? Who will be there for him? You know money will not solve every problem. One cannot depend solely on money"

Ayla Shah's brow furrow as if that thought never crossed her mind. Seeing her vulnerable and lost expression, I carefully set in motion my plans for the playboy prince.

"Ayla, can I give a word of advice?"

The old woman look at me – eyes filled with trust. I glanced at the personal assistant behind her. Seeing my eyes on her assistant, the princess told the young woman to wait for her outside. Once we're alone, I begin.

"Challenge him"

"Challenge him?" Ayla repeated in confusion.

"Instead of giving him your legacy, title, and money. Challenge him" I said firmly. "Only then would he realize the true value of your legacy, title, and money"

Ayla was quiet – lost in her thoughts.

"How can I do that to Malik? I have promised to give that all to him..." Ayla was torn. "How could I break a promise?"

"A promise should never be broken but love should not be for granted... Ayla, your love has been taken for granted." I said gently. "But because you still love him, you want to ensure his independence when you're no longer in this world"

Ayla looked at me with tear filled eyes.

"It's okay if he's angry now... one day, he'll realize your purpose."

I could see her hesitation with her hands involuntarily gripping onto her dress robe.

"Your grandson... this small offset, you're not confident that he will prevail?" I purposely taunted her. "In the end, you don't think he will succeed the challenge?"

When I saw the unfallen tears disappear and her eyes glowing bright with confidence, I knew the seed I planted sprouted root. Holding back a smirk, I laughed inside my mind. That playboy prince will soon learn that he's not the only person in the world who knows how to manipulate others.

My revenge is set.

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