54 - Violet Calla Lily

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I was in my office at Allac's Headquarter when a beautiful violet calla lily flower was delivered to be in a crystal glass slim vase. There was no note attached to the vase and the delivery boy did not mention who the sender was.

"Oh, who sent you the lily?"

The same time as the delivery boy headed out my office, Alexander Locke came in and took noticed of the vivid violet color flower on my desk. In response to his inquiry, I just shrugged. Alex then casually sat on the edge of my desk while tapping the folder in his hand on his knee. He was studying the calla lily flower before his eyes flickered to me with amusement.

"Do you know what the meaning of violet calla lily?"

                In the language of flowers, calla lilies meant purity and faithfulness. For violet calla lilies, they meant charm and passion. I understood the implication, but instead of answering Alex, I just smile.

"He's pretty thick skin to send you this" Alex smirked at me. "Especially since you rejected him more than once"

                Again, I smiled.

"So, are you going to finally give him a chance?" Alex grinned.

"Simple creatures... it's more entertaining to let them chase"

                Alex blinked for a moment before he let out a loud laugh. From the look in his eyes, I could see his approval in my statement.

"Have fun" He chuckled while standing up straight.

"Didn't you want to review some contracts?" I asked when I saw him walking away.

"I'll handle it" Alex didn't turn back while he waved the folder over his shoulders. "Consider this my graduation gift to you"

                Smiling softly, I watched as the pretty man left my office. Alone, I return my gaze toward the single violet calla lily flower. With a soft touch, my finger traced the lovely flower petal. Once again, the poem echoed deeply inside my soul.

Violet Calla Lily

I walked by in the dark

Dizzying scent

We are but simple flowers


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