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HAPPY HALLOWEEN🎃👻 Just in case you were wondering, I didn't do anything for Halloween except sit in my room and watch Boku No Hero Academia. It's amazing and I'm hooked!! Reading the manga now •^•


-Keith's POV-

After a very pleasant plate of ravioli, Keith meanders up to his room to get changed out of his oil and grease covered clothes. His exhaustion finally catches up with him and Keith flops down onto his bed, burying his face in the pillows.

Keith lazily reaches out towards his nightstand and grabs his phone. Turning his head so he can see, Keith types a short "Hey" to Lance and presses send. After the feat, Keith quietly doses off to the sound of his own breathing.

After what feels like a while, Keith was lured out of his sleep by a soft "Ping" beside his head. He groans dramatically before lifting up his head and propping himself up on his elbows in order to read the new text message from Lance.

Lance: Hey!! I was afraid that you really were ignoring me. I'm sorry for calling you Keef.

Keef: It's fine. I wasn't trying to ignore you, I was working on my bike and lost track of time. Sorry.

Lance: Really?! Is it almost done??

Keef: Yeah, I finished it earlier (*He was working on his bike during the afternoon so it's around 9 or 10 at night right now*).

Lance: Do you have a picture? I wanna see it!!

Keef: I don't have one right now and I just woke up so I'm too lazy to take one now. I'll send you one next time I get a chance.

Lance: Alright, cool.

Keef: Yeah.

~6 minutes later~

Lance: ...

Lance: Is it weird if I say I'm not sure what to talk about with you anymore?

Keef: We are strangers. We don't know a whole lot about each other to be able to have an actual conversation.

Lance: I know a little bit about you from when we first started talking.

Keef: That seems like forever ago.

Lance: Yeah...

Keef: You're getting awkward again.

Lance: Sorry, sorry! It's just that, what if we aren't strangers anymore?

Keef: What do you mean?

Lance: What if we met up somewhere.


Keef: First of all, calm down.

Keef: Second of all, I would be okay with that.

Lance: Really?!?! I don't know why but it feels kind of like it's our little secret and we have to be really sneaky about it, like a secret agent!

Our little secret, huh? Why does that make me really happy? I feel really excited about meeting him... what if he doesn't like me? What if he thinks I'm creepy and weird? (when I was writing this, it autocorrected to creamy😂)

Keef: It does kind of feel like that, huh? But, I'm excited.

Lance: Me too!! I don't know why but it made me really happy when you said that you wanted to meet me!

Keef: It made me really happy when you asked me if I wanted to.

Lance: I think...

(Lance: I think I might like you...(he didn't send this, but he was thinking about it))

Keef: You think...?

Lance: Never mind, it's nothing. When and where are we going to meet?

Keef: Well, if you do live near me, there's this nice restaurant by my house. It's small but it's comfortable.

Lance: What's it called? I might know it.

Keef: It's the Voltron Café.

Lance: You live near the Voltron Café?!

Keef: Yeah, why? Do you know it?

Lance: My friends sister owns it!!! (It's Allura btw. In this fic, she's Hunks sister.)

Keef: Really? Cool! So, you live near me?

Lance: I live about 15 minutes away from Voltron. How far away are you from it?

Keef: I'm the next block over.

Lance: HOW CRAZY IS THIS?! WE LIVE SO CLOSE!!! When do you want to meet?

Keef: I have some family stuff to do the next two days, how about Saturday? (It's Wednesday night)

Lance: Works for me. See you Saturday ;)

Keef: Yeah. :)

Lance: NO!

Keef: What?

Lance: It's a winky face, Keith. A WINKY FACE!!

Keef: Okay...

Lance: Just, never mind. Do you want me to change your nickname back?

Keef: No. It's fine the way it is.

Lance: Wait, do you... like it?

Keef: No. It's just troublesome having to change it again when it's not really hurting anything right now.

Lance: If you say so. Hey, I'm tired so I'm going to sleep. Night Keith.

Keef: Goodnight, Lance.


Ugh! I hate myself. Anyways, happy Halloween! Hope you guys had fun and goodnight 😴😘

Word Count (exactly): 783 words

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