Chapter 8 ♡

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"Are you sure?" Jessica asks seriously.

"Yes~" Yoona answers smiling.

And... finally they arrive at the shopping mall. Yoona quickly went to buy her gift for Jonghyun while Sehun hangs around Luhan Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

"Sehun, why don't you go with Yoona?" Luhan asks.

"Because she's buying a gift for Jonghyun. I don't want to disturb her"

"How do you know?"

"I heard it in the van"

The 3 boys kept quiet because of Sehun's expressionless face.

"Let's have some meal. I'll treat!" Baekhyun tries raising their moods.

"Let's go!!!!" Sehun smiles.

The 4 heads to a pizza shop.

Yoona was diligently picking out Jonghyun's gift.

She then got hungry and heads to a pizza place thats the same as Sehun's.

"Oh Yoona!" Luhan shouts.

Yoona walks towards the table smiling.

"Join us" Luhan smiles.

Sehun quickly gets up and tries to walk out when Baekhyun holds his hand.

"Where are you going?"

"I don't feel like eating. I forgot I needed to buy something for myself"

Sehun quickly rushes out while Yoona's smile was fading and looking at his shadow.

Sehun was walking around taking pictures of the shops. He quickly takes a picture of a cloud ☁️ and posted it on his instagram captioning "I'm sorry... Doing this is like giving you to let someone else take care of you instead of me, letting him hold you in his arms instead of me, letting him drive you everywhere. I've lost my hope. Even if I'm loosing someone I really love, I really hope you wouldn't think of me when you're with him. I hope he doesn't hurt you like I do. I hope he will always stay by your side. I will always wish the best for you two"

Yoona was using her phone and she saw what Sehun said. Not knowingly, her tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"What is happening?" Chanyeol asks.

Luhan quickly grabs Yoona's phone and read Sehun's message.

"I know you're both hurting. It's hard during a break up but be strong Yoona-ah. I've known Sehun for along time. I know he's not what you think he is. He might be pushing you to someone else, but deep down that's not what he want. He's only pushing you away because he knows he can't take care of you well. If you're meant to be, you'll end up together. Right now we're in France. Let's have fun for the time being" Luhan explains.

Yoona wipes her tears and smiles. Everyone ate their pizza and share their embarrassing moments.

It is time to meet at the van.

"1 2 3 4 5 6. We're missing one person" the teacher said.

"We're missing Sehun" Yoona's face shows that she is worried.

"There he is" Luhan points.

"I'm s-sorry. I was lost around the middle place. I don't know what it's called" Sehun scratches his head.

"It's okay. Let's go back" the teacher smiles.

Everyone proceeds to their seat. Since it was too quiet last time, the teacher requested to talk about some ghost stories.

"No no no. Let's do a funny one instead" Baekhyun shivers.

"Oh come on. Kris start" the teacher said.

Kris was talking about a scary story when Sehun suddenly surprise Yoona.

"Yah!" Yoona almost crying.

"Sorry" Sehun laughs.

"I'm gonna get you back!" Yoona glares.

Sehun is doing those things to get rid of the awkwardness between them.

"Teacher, let's stop at a convenience store" Luhan asks.

"For what?" the teacher raises his eyebrows.

"Just for tonight. I hope you'll allow us to have some drinks. Just us" Luhan replies.

"Just for tonight? Sure then" the teacher smiles. "So you can go in alone right?"

"Ah yes sure. No problem" Luhan smiles.

Luhan quickly bought 10 bottles of soju and came back into the van.

"What are we doing?" Jessica asks.

"You'll know later on" Luhan smirks.

After they arrive at the house, everyone quickly showers and changes into their pajamas and sits into a circle while their teacher is already asleep.

"Let's play truth or dare. The one who can't do a dare or can't answer the truth will drink 2 cups of soju. Alright?" Luhan suggests.

"Call!" Sehun shouts.

"But your hand is hurt" Yoona whispers.

"It is healed in the afternoon" Sehun smiles.

"Okay, so let's start" Baekhyun, the only excited beagle said.

They start spinning an empty bottle and it landed on Sehun.

"I'll ask the question" Luhan exclaimed. "Truth or dare?"


"Do you have someone new that you love?"


"Ooohhhhh. Only have eyes for one girl don't you?" Kris teases.

"Only one question. Keep it for the next round hyung" Sehun smirks.

Yoona was feeling happy but sad at the same time. She didn't know how to react so she just stayed quiet.

The next round was Yoona.

"Truth or dare?" everyone asks.


"Do you have someone new you like?" Chanyeol asks smiling.

"....Yes" Yoona answers after hesitating for awhile.

Everyone jaws drop. The room was quiet for a moment.

"Yah, yah... Lets continue" Jessica tries bringing the mood back up.

"Baekhyun! Truth or dare?" Jessica asks.


"I dare you to kiss Chanyeol on his cheeks"

"Ewwww no"

"Or I'll change it to lips"

"Fine. Euhhhhhh"

Both Baekhyun and Chanyeol closes their eyes because of the sudden dare that is so cringey.

No one noticed that Sehun kept gulping down the soju. Soon he was drunk.

"Yoona, can you bring him into his room?" Luhan asks kindly. Obviously he can't get up too, because he was also kinda drunk. Yoona was the only one who didn't drink even one bit.

Yoona quickly approaches Sehun and lift him up. He was muttering some words "P-please...."

"What?" Yoona asks.

"Please d-don't"

Can a broken couple get back together? ➵ [Yoona & Sehun - Yoonhun]  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now