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  Red's P.O.V
Still upset about everything that happened yesterday, I came to a decision. I don't want to marry or bear children with a man I do not love. I decided to live with my grandmother, helping her take care of Zero's family. As the sun began to rise, I quickly folded some of my clothes neatly into a basket. I quietly exited the house, lucky enough not to wake my mom and dad.

I ran out of the village, pulled out my whistle for luck, and made my way over to Grandmother's house. Grandmother was one of the only people she knew who would be up so early in the morning.

"Red, what are you doing here? Does your parents know your here?" she asked when she opened the door.

Red shook her head no. "I can't stay there anymore, Grandmother. Father and Mother want to marry me off to James Heavenstorm but I don't love him." She looked at her shoes as she asked, "is it alright if I stay with you and help take care of Zero and his family?"

"Of course it's alright, dear. I have told your mother before that you should be allowed to marry anyone you choose," Grandmother moved aside and allowed Red to enter the home. She placed a blanket for her on the couch and allowed for her to rest there for a bit.

When she came to, she heard voices arguing over something outside the house. Red got up and walked over to the door where she saw Zero's father and mother stand there with worried faces as they talked with her grandmother.

"Where could he have gone? He knows not to leave the den by himself at night," his mother, a beautiful woman with brown hair, said. "Unless it was the curse..."

"It can't be the curse. The witch has no use for our boy, so why now?" Zero's father asked.

Grandmother shook her head no. "The witch might be holding him somewhere. The only question is where? Where would a witch hide a young boy without anyone realizing he's there."

"What if he's in the village?" The idea of Zero being inside the village alone was really frightful. Zero wouldn't go alone, especially since he doesn't want to get killed. "What if my little boy is in there? They'll kill him." Zero's mother was truly worried, filling me with sadness to see such a beautiful woman loose her child.

"There's only one way we'll know for sure if he's there. I could send Red into the village to look for him, but she's only a child." Grandmother seemed to think it over before shaking her head no. "To worry her will do us no good in finding the boy."

I opened the door, letting them know I heard everything. "I'll look for him in the village. He told me about a witch laying a curse on him. All I have to do is sing the song of the willow tree and he should come to me."

After a small argument about how it's not safe for me to go alone, I was finally allowed to enter the village under the condition that I don't trust anybody I already know, and I bring a hood for Zero to hide his tail and ears.

As soon as I entered, I looked around carefully in case there was something strange. James walked over, frowning as if something was on his mind.

"Hey Red, if I ask you something, will you be honest with me?" he asked seriously.

I nodded, "of course I would. Why do you ask?"

He shook his head no. "What do you think of me?"

"I'm sorry, James, but I have errands to do. Would you mind if I answer your question later?"

"What do you think of me?" he repeated, grabbing my arms tightly.

"That hurts. What's gotten into you?" He ignored me before pushing me to the ground. "James?"

"You're just a little slut, aren't you?" James shouted. "Why don't you go sleep with that cursed boy you were talking about yesterday!"

Everyone around was beginning to stare, open mouthed at the words leaving his mouth.

"What are you talking about, James? What are you talking about?"

"Don't play innocent! You know what I'm talking about! You're supposed to be my fiancee and you're sleeping with a dog?!?! Stay the hell away from me!" James stormed off, making me wonder where he had gotten such an idea.

I stood up from the ground, dusted dirt off my hood, and once again began my search for my friend. I ignored the staring as much as I could, wishing everyone would just look away. I pulled out my whistle and gave a little blow. Nothing happened.

As I walked around, I decided to go speak with James's mother to find out why he was so eager for an answer. I knocked on the door before hiding my whistle in my basket. His mother came to the door with a smile on her face.

"Hello Red, what are you doing here? If you're looking for James, he's out in the town right now," she greeted.

I shook my head no. "He pushed me today. Do you know why he was asking me what I thought about him? He's telling the entire village I sleep with dogs."

"Why would he be saying something like that? I thought I taught that boy not to lie or be rude to a young woman," she gestured for me to come in. "Is there anything else he said?"

"He called me a slut... I don't understand what I did wrong, Mrs. Heavenstorm."

She shook her head as if it was nothing and said, "he probably had something on his mind. You two are getting married soon, so please forgive his behavior. Would you like some tea?"

"Oh yes, thank you. You're very kind." I smiled a bit at her as she left the room. That's when I began hearing something come from their basement. A sort of banging sound filled the room as if something was kicking against wood. Making sure she wasn't near, I opened the door to the dark basement.

"Hello? Is anyone in here?" I whispered, hoping for a response.

"Red? What are you doing? Get out of here! That woman's a witch!" Zero's voice whispered back. "Hurry and go before you're captured too!"

Zero! This is where he's hiding and he wants me to leave him here? "I can't leave without you, Zero! Everyone's looking for you!"

"Just go! Tell them I'm sorry, but I can't leave here. I'm literally bound here, now go!"

"I'll be back for you," was the last thing I said to him before closing the door. I rushed back to my seat and pretended as if nothing was wrong. Mrs. Heavenstorm came back with two empty cups and her tea pot and handed me a cup. She filled it up with a sweet, Peppermint scented tea that made my mouth water just thinking about it.

With a smile, she took a drink before saying, "Red, you're a good girl. You always do what your parents tell you to without complaints, in fact, you're the village's sweet heart and you don't know how honored James is for being your fiancee. I promise you that I'll talk to him about this incident. He shouldn't be speaking to you or anyone like that."

"Will you mention my name?" I asked her.

She shook her head no. "It will be between us. I'll say I heard it from the butcher."

I nodded and thanked her before leaving the house. As soon as I felt her eyes move away, I ran back to the woods, towards grandmother's house to explain the news.  

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