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Chapter #04: Mommy Emily..
Kelly's POV

I need to work on my studies,I'm almost graduating in only 3 weeks and prom is upcoming...even though I'm a scholar,I need is to study hard so I can pass the entrance exam in Edward's University.

He only had one year left before he graduated college and me three weeks before I enter college...

I also needed help from my friends about what dress I'm going to wear on my prom. Such a disaster.

"Okay,how bout this."
Mia said as she pointed to a dress that is backless but fitted waist and mermaid open tail.

"I. Am. Not going to wear that,my brother's going to kill me."

"He won't know won't hurt him,right Emily?" She said pointed Emily the dress.

"Oh,you are so gonna wear that dress on prom. And for sure, you're going to  be prom queen on that one." Emily said while continued looking on her phone, probably texting with her boyfriend.

"Oh! And by the way, is your boyfriend going to be your escort?" Mia ask.

"Of course, why wouldn't he be?"
I ask suspiciously, the thing about Mia is she's beginning to hide secrets from us and being so interested about Derek,my boyfriend ...since the very beginning when me and Derek started dating. She keeps telling me about Derek making out with another girl and dated with another girl behind my back,I don't know if I could ever believe her or she's just jealous cause she don't have a boyfriend.

"Well,nothing..." She said as she look for another dress for her.


At The Cafe

"Guys,I got to tell you something."
I said nervously.

"What is it?" They both ask.

"Don't freak out ,okay? I know this is hard to believe but...its true." I said sighing.

"Then what is it?" Emily said desperately.

"Remember the night at Edward's birthday that is 4 weeks at the bar?"
I ask now feeling nervous as before.



"The thing is...*sigh* I got drunk that night and......-" I pause as I got scared.

"What is it?" Mia ask holding my hands.

"Dammit! Spill it out already!" Emily said making everyone's attention.

"Shhhh!!!!" Everyone said.

"Sorry." Emily said then gave her attention to me.

"Spill. It. Out. Now." She demands.


"What?" They both ask.

"Girl just don't said it fast,make it slow we can't understand you." Emily.

"I. Slept. With. My. Brother. That. Night." I finally said.

They just quiet,and look at me like if I was the most disgusting person on earth.

"I know. I'm the most disgusting people on earth. I slept with my own brother."

"No,we don't think you at all like that." Emily said now holding my hand.

"You're not?" I ask softly.
She shook her head.
"Not at all. I know the feeling of someone you don't love just took your virginity away from you." She said with a reassuringly smile.

"Kells, I don't know what to say." Mia said out of the blue.

"Does,your brother know about this?" She ask.

"N-no. He doesn't,all he knows is that there's someone with him in his room." I said "He doesn't remember anything,but he said the smell was familiar in his bedsheets and those smells were mine and I need to do is change a new perfume." I added.

"What abou-" Mia was cut off when Emily said something.

"Did you guys use protection?" Emily ask.

"What?" I ask confusedly

"Oh my god,you didn't use protection?" She said in disbelief.

"What do you mean protection?" I ask frustrated.

"Kells." Mia said out of the blue.

"Did you guys use condoms.?" She ask softly.

"N-no,I don't know." I said worried.

"Did he.......cum inside of you?" Mia ask.

"Y-yes." I said.

And they both were quiet. And Emily rest her back in the chair with her arms cross while Mia lowered her head and hands on her lap. They both were quiet after that.

After felt like hours of silent treatment. Emily spoke again.

"Does your boyfriend know about this?" She ask intensely.

"No,and he will never be."

"But what if he finds out." She ask worriedly.

"I dont want you to end up getting hurt because of the baby you are carrying."
She added as I look at her with widen eyes.

"B-baby?" I ask.

"Kells,you're so innocent, you don't even know what sex is do you?"

"I was homeschooled before,I don't know everything about science."
I said.

"Let's discuss this tomorrow or later,we have exam this afternoon and we're not going to miss that." Emily said as she stood up along her books same did as Mia.

I was about to stood up when Emily stands in my side.

"After 8 weeks,we're going for a check up." She said as she went out along with Mia standing outside.

"Okay,mommy Emily...I will."

I said as I stood up along with my books and bag.

Today is our final examination and we're looking forward to have a higher score,if not then students who fail are not allowed to graduate or go to the prom.....

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