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Chapter #06: Surprise..
Kelly's POV

Today,is proms day....
I wore the backless colored black fitted dress just like Mia who gave to me.. It won't be so bad... I need to apply make up and I just got home from salon earlier with Mia and Emily...

We three will meet up at some limousine while I waited for the doorbell.

I'm now seating at the couch, feeling nervous and all. Edward wasn't here because he has a job to do.

5 in the afternoon and their still aren't here. Then suddenly the doorbell rang.

I guess its them. I went up to open the door but it wasn't Derek and the guys.

It was Edward.

"Oh...why are you here early?" I ask confusedly but also terrified because of the way he was staring at me. Its so intense and the way he stared at me is like he just undress my clothes using his eyes. But not later he just lick his lips seductively. Now I'm scared.

" the dress okay?" I ask out of nowhere,oh least he didn't stared at me. But it still weird.

"I was just dropping by to take my laptop with me." He said and he made his way to his room.

I then waited at the sofa for the limousine to come.

Edward came down after felt like hours and saw him change into new clothes.

"Did you just came here to take your laptop or change?" I ask.

"Both" was all he said.

"And by the way, why are you still here? Aren't you suppose to be at the prom tonight?" He ask and I can feel him getting mad.

"I was just waiting for my friends to come." I said. And he sigh

"You better change something not too revealing young lady or I will tear that dress apart." He said furiously.

"Why are getting you mad all of a sudden?" I ask suspiciously.

Is this because you have feelings for me? Really? My brother? Has feelings for me?

"I'm not mad. I just don't like to see you wearing something like that. It will get other guys attention."

"But I do."

"Just make sure,no flirting around okay?" He said then he made his way to the door but then suddenly stop.

"Why don't I just take you there and you'll see your friends. They're not gonna come cause its already 7 in the evening." He said. As I thought of it as a good idea. I was waiting here since afternoon but no one came. I guess I have to join Edward here.



The ride went well and we made it to our destination...well,my destination really.

"I have to go back to work. Keep out of trouble okay?"

"Okay. Bye Eddie." I said as I wave goodbye to him

And then he left.

I made my way to the prom and was greeted 'hi' , 'hello' , 'good evening' to every person.

As I looked everywhere just to find my friends buy all I can see is Emily and her boyfriend Parker.

"Ems,where's Mia?" I ask

"I don't know,I haven't seen her since earlier... I was waiting at my house for the limousine to come but no one had come.

"But,have you seen Derek?"

"We saw went to the counter,maybe he bought a room,how about I'll go with you,we'll ask the receptionist." She as as I nodded.

We three,me,Emily and his boyfriend Parker went up to the counter.

"Um..excuse me Ms?" I ask as she turn to us with a big smile.

"What can I help you ladies and gentleman?" She ask formally

"Have you seen this guy?" I ask as I gave her the picture of Derek.

"Um,I'm sorry but ...who are you?" She ask

"I'm Kelly,the girlfriend." I said as she smiled even brighter.

"Well,he's in 3rd floor,#305,I hope you enjoy the room with your boyfriend, I guess he made a surprise for you." She said .

As I nodded and went up to the elevator as Emily and Parker followed behind.

"What kind of surprise would Derek has for you?" Parker ask.

"I don't know." Was all I said as I felt nervous all of a sudden.

Emily reach for my arm as her hand made its way in. She wore a reassuring smile.

The elevator stopped at 3rd floor and all we need to do is find the number.

We found it after turning left then right. We have the key when the receptionist gave us and slide to the door. It made a sound and it open a crack and we three made our way in.

It was dark,all dark. We heard sound. At the right corner of the room. We saw a little light that was flashed at the bottom of the door.

We heard moaning, and any other words like curses.

Parker went up first and touch the door knob,he twist it and open it.

What we saw is unbelievable, inappropriate thing,we've ever experience.

Mia and Derek,making out...
Both of them we're naked inside a bedroom with dim lights,roses everywhere, and candlelight dinner next to the bed and a soft seductively music was heard all over the room.

They continued doing it,the continued having sex to each other and didn't even notice me ,Emily and Parker coming in. I felt like my eyes getting heavier and my world began to break. My hear aches and my body felt numb.

"Faster babe." Mia said while moaning and Derek obeyed.

The bed was squeaking and they moved with rhythm. But moan and groans are heard all over the room.

"I'm cumming." Mia said.

"Me too." He said groaning as they went faster.

The continued, I felt weak on my knees and didn't say a thing while they were doing it. I slumped in my knees while the two behind me didn't say a thing until.

"Cum with me baby." Mia said as Derek obeyed as he releases inside of her bit didn't finish went Emily suddenly spoke.


They both snap their heads up to saw an angry Emily standing in front of them with furious blazing eyes. They turn their gaze at me and they pulled back away from each other. Mia pulled the covers to cover her body and Derek was feeling nothing bad at all.

He just looked at me with cold expression.

"What are you doing here?"

He ask which makes me taking aback in surprise...

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