Chapter Three || Rembering Him

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(Han Minji)
★{Flash back}★

I was in my old room, working on homework.
There was a knock at the door. I walked down the stairs, the boards creeking under my feet.
I open the door.

Yoongi: Hey shorty

I scrunch up my nose.

Minji: Your late, I was supposed to tutor you like 20 minutes ago.

I move out of the way for him. We walk up the stairs, up to my room. I opened the door and he laid down on my bed.
He looked around my room.

Yoongi: Your Room is a mess.

Minji:have you seen yours? It's like a tornado hit it!

I turned from my position at the door.

Yoongi: Have you seen your face? It's looking a little.... you, today.

He sat up and looked at me.

Minji: Have I ever told you how much I hate you?

I said jokingly, walking over to my bed and plopping myself down beside him.

Yoongi: Have I ever told you how much I love you?

He looked dead at me, his chocolate eyes tearing right threw me.
Was he joking?

Minji: Haha.. very funny yoongz....

He continued to stare...

Yoongi: N-no I'm not joking... I have to go, bye shorty.

He got up and kissed my forehead. I was in shock. (Electric shock na na na.... ok I'll stop)

{Next day}
I walked to my fith period class. Yoongi hadn't been in today, at all. I was getting worried. I knew Hoseok would know where he was. We 3 were best friends after all.

I sat down in my chair, doodling in my notebook till Hoseok got there. I looked at the door, Hoseok was standing there. He saw me and quickly made his way to me, he smiled his cute dorky smile. He sat down beside me.

Minji: where the heck is Yoongi?

Hoseok: He didn't tell you last night?

Minji: Tell me what?

At this point my smile faded, I was concerned on the verge of crying.

Hoseok: He moved to Seoul last night... He's pursuing his music career, I'm moving with him tomorrow...

I could feel the tears coming now...

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