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After many years of the  rulling of the three Titans, there journey went through. Oliver, Dominique and Cemistry passed. They accepted there lives to die. But dieying was not yet ended because there blood where seperated and children were born.

Generations passed, other new Titans became strong leaders. Son after son and there power lasted. Racer's power did not ended too but the other Titan longed to see there old brother. They did not see the blood of Racer's untill now.................

The bells were ringing in starting of class. It did not ended when the blood of Dominique ordered to make a shool for children.

The girl who is very special, her name Reaven. She has the power of fire wich was now for many years named as the weakest power because water power inproved theses years. Reaven had brothers and sister that were very strong.

At her first at class, they practiced how to fly. Before that, Reaven did not have any friends those untill her best friend Catherine came to her life with her friends. Catherine earned nature's power while others earned light,shadow,wind,lighting,dream reader,cement,metal,voice, and water. It was not really hard for Reaven when Catherine enterned her life.

Flying was not really hard to them to know. When Reaven was starting to fly, she went up and up and the way she go. She flew up in the sky like a phoenix. After days of training there teacher taught them how to summon there special familiar. Catherine summoned a giant from the ground and Reaven summoned a hot human beam. It was really fast when running and flying. Every time when Reaven orther her familiar to hit its target, boom beam light coming from his chest. She was really proud of herself.

One day when the three chosen Titan became her class mate, they were very proud. All her class mates were very scared but happy. But Reaven was not scare nor frigthen but she always wanted to join the Titan team. At the next of there arival,Reaven asked if she can join there team. Laughed there leader Cyprus. He said “only the blood that runs through your vains that came from the almighty Oliver,Dominique and Cemistry will make you one of the Titans". Reaven became angry. she told them if she won a fight with there leader then she can join there team. Laughed again, he “sure,if only you can win, who would can stand a chance with me, I am too strong" said Cyprus.

At three in the after noon, there standed Reaven and Cyprus infront of there compus. As the bell started ringing there fight begins.

Reaven casted a demon circle where all her power came out. She used her wip flame. Seing David and James makes them see who Reaven is in her true form. Whose aura was all over her body. As one wip of Reaven's wip, Cyprus doged but after that he looked back where he can find Reaven's fist and boom, Cyprus got down with just one bit. His body crumbled. Cyprus did not knew that Reaven was strong. After that, Cyprus kept his word. He let Reaven join the group.

Reaven was really proud of that time. There is one thing that is said in the book that only the lost team Racer can be the strongest of them all and he can be the only one that can defeat his brothers. Find out more in the story of A Titan Story Book 3.

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