Happy Halloween :D____________
"Zeille, your turn now." He pushed me inside the closet. "B-But I'm scared... " I quivered in fear.
"You'll make it, I know you will." He sent me one last smile before walking towards the door, turning his back on me.
Through the small hole of the closet, I was able to catch a glimpse of him. He was still smiling.
And then I heard the door creak, slammed, and silence filled the room.
But I could have sworn I heard something other than that. There was no doubt. I covered my mouth with my hands to keep it from making loud sounds.
I peeked through the small hole again and saw a woman with dark long hair and a skin as white as snow. Just the sight of her sent chills run down my spine. So this is how Snow White looks like, bloody version. It was as if she magically appeared and threw a rainbow of emotions at me, most likely fear. And she definitely didn't looked like a princess with short black and shiny hair accompanied by seven dwarves. Her lips were red not because of lipstick but because of blood.
She's trying to scare me.
And it's working.The metal boxes rasped as they were dragged across the floor of the small room. Good thing it wasn't a corpse. Haha, I mentally slapped myself.
I shakily lit the candle on my hand, hoping that she could see the light and take it as a signal that I meant no harm. Which she did, by the way.
I waited for the fire to either stay the same or give up on me and put out its light. But it's, without a doubt, the latter.
I kissed my free hand and wrote an imaginary "man" on the wrist to lessen my frustration. Sure enough, I get scared too easily.
But hey, it works.
I'm scared.
My mind is cramped with logical conclusions.It's filled with questions. Billions of them. Like. Why I'm currently stuck in a closet playing this dumb scary game called "The Closet Game" which is not funny at all. Why I even bother to join this scary "challenge" along with everyone else. Why I still question these things when I know that my life will end soon.
I've only got a few minutes left. Hopefully, I'd be able to escape this room safe and sound.
Yeah, like that'll happen. I wish.
A few minutes have passed. Only 5 more minutes and I can finally get out of here.
But then suddenly, the fire that symbolized my light was slowly fading away, until it was nothing but a part of the air now.
Someone coincidentally or maybe even purposely tapped my shoulder from behind and I turned to look at who it was. My body moved on its own accord since my brain stopped working. Fear hit me like lightning. I never felt this scared before.
I should have known it was him. But I knew that this'll happen anyway.
I shakily covered my face with my two arms. Both automatically formed an X at the same time. I looked away, beads of sweat running through my cheeks, some were tears I bet. Maybe even blood I bet.

Detective's Fiancée [ON HOLD]
Teen FictionShe never knew it'd turn out like this. After all those times they spent, she still never actually knew him that much. And he loved mysteries so much that he became one.