A/N: Hi! So I'm back! Sorry for the late upload, school's stressing me a little bit and it's getting in my way of writing another chapter
:( sorry, I really am. I'm a bit confused when I wrote this chappie and I thought this part of the story was really messed up. I got writer's block. Early right? :D But I Hope You Enjoy Reading This! Don't forget to vote, comment, and lots of love! Because our purpose in life is to love! ❤️ ^v^-4-
Students were groaning in annoyance while some were maniacally screaming and laughing since they saw the dj hide. He trolled us. Lit.
After some Spanish songs that I don't even have any idea about, I took the remaining time to stare at the students before me and decided to just bang my head in rhythm of the song's beat. I honestly enjoyed it. Even if I don't know the lyrics, I'm naturally fond of Music because of my cousin, Suzan. She was an amazing musician. She's a legend when it comes to piano. And most of the boys that knows her got the hots for her.
They all began to dance with their partners in a romantic way while I'm still here waiting for a guy who asked— no, forced me to dance with him. It's crowded here and I'm stuck in one of Alice in Wonderland's Madhatter's Tea Party's fancy chairs. Just great.
If you're wondering where my partner is, he went to the comfort room. He said he drank too much and... Well... You know the rest.
I almost thought of ditching him because he was taking so long and I'm not the patient type but that thought immediately vanished into thin air when someone tapped me from behind. At first, I thought it was some sort of a drunk man, but the moment I saw his mask, my eyes grew wide. It was Frost. Frost with a different costume.
He was wearing a simple black tuxido and had an ear piercing on his right ear.
I slapped myself and thought it was just some look-alike but no, it was Aedan. His height, his eyes, his mask.
He went to the comfort room to change and look formally hot? But he didn't need to do that!
He was drinking the whole time. He was right behind me and I didn't even notice him. I'm dumb.
He kept on staring at me with a smile plastered on his pretty face.
"Yo." followed by a wink.
I cringed. I finally get to see Aedan's flirty side and I didn't like it one bit. And what was up with his changed accent?
So if someone changes his outfit, his personality, voice, and accent changes also? Yeah, that must be it.
He cleared his throat and winked at me again. "How's the most beautiful person on Earth doin, hm?"
A student covered with tissues from behind us clicked his tongue, "I'm great, thanks."
I rolled my eyes before taking Aedan's hand, leading him towards the center of the room. I needed to end this quickly so I could dance with Keir. My interest on this guy went from 100-0 real quick. If 0 won't count, then -100.
He smirked at this, knowing I was being desperate. Why this little— "not too fast." He stopped me by gripping on my wrist gently. I almost stumbled forward. Almost.

Detective's Fiancée [ON HOLD]
Fiksi RemajaShe never knew it'd turn out like this. After all those times they spent, she still never actually knew him that much. And he loved mysteries so much that he became one.