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Today's supposed to be the day their mysterious uncle would come and take them home - or at least away from this place. But the thing was Nate didn't really like the idea, neither did Sophie.

'I mean why now?' She thought.
'After all these years.
Where was he?'
They've been living fine with just themselves. Eventhough they weren't at home, Nate made sure they felt like it. He had been looking out for them for as long as her and Sophie could remember. He was the best big brother anyone could've asked for.

Nine years ago when their parents died, they were brought here- an orphanage downtown. The only thing she could really remember about them was their voices. She sometimes has dreams about them. Their faces were blurred but she could hear their voices clearly. There was nothing more she remembered.

Not their scents
Not their faces

Nate was the only one old and smart enough to at least remember something more. But he doesn't talk about that day. Not ever. Anytime the topic came up he changed it immediately. "Liv, Sophie! You guys decent?" Nate asked as he knocked on the door.
"Yeah!" She replied for both of them.
He entered and shot the door behind him.
"He's here" Nate said. "Are you guys ready?"
Sophie looked at the clock mounted slightly above the door.
"He's three hours late". She said with a little temper in her voice.
"Do we really have to go? First he shows up after ELEVEN years and now he's late?" She was now shouting.
"What kind of per...". She stopped as she noticed Nate's glare on her.
"Sorry" she said calmly.

Sophie had always been the hot-headed one. She had very little tolerance for stuff like that. Nate was the only one that could keep her in check.
"I don't like this either okay? But we don't really have much of a choice". He said looking at both of them in the eye and holding their hands. "Remember, it's NOS against them".
"It's NOS against the world". Liv and Sophie repeated.
"So are you guys done packing?"
"Yeah". She said
"Just a few more things". Sophie added.
"Okay then I'll be downstairs" Nate said as he left the room.

Liv and Sophie are fraternal twins. Liv was born exactly twenty nine seconds before Sophie. Though they have some few things in common, like the height, the eye colour and a bird-shaped birthmark on their left arm (Weird), everything else was like the direct opposite. Sophie's the rude one and Liv's like well... the not-so-rude one.
"Okay, all done". Sophie said with a disoriented sigh. She was the most unhappy about the whole situation.
"Alright, let's go meet our 'Uncle'". Liv said. They left the room and said their goodbyes to other kids upstairs before finally going down.

Downstairs, Nate was standing next to an unfamiliar guy. Well built probably in his late thirties or early forties, nice suit and completely shaved. Except his head of course.
"I'm guessing that's him." Liv said. They walked over to him reluctantly. "You must be Olivia" He shook her hand as if finalising a business deal.
"And you must be Sophia. Wow you look just like her". The guy in the suit said shaking her hand as well.
"I'm Gerald. Your mother's little brother, well i'm not so little but you know what I mean. Anyway we have alot of catching up to do but first, let's get you guys out of here".
He was so full of energy and excitement.





Thank you for taking your time to read this. It's actually the first book I'm publishing ... i hope you guys liked it.

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