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"Ever since Gerald told us about Mom and Dad, Nate has been acting strange." Liv said to Sophie.
"Yeah, I've noticed it too. And it can't be about Sarah 'cos they met in school and he explained everything to her. Plus she has come over a couple of times."
"Exactly." Liv confirmed.
"So what's really going on with him?"
They had no idea.
That was the first time they've seen him so distracted from everything. He misses meals, he doesn't talk much, he's hardly even around.
"Let's find out." Liv suggested. They went to Nate's room and found him sitting on the bed. He appeared to be thinking about something.
He does that a lot lately.
"Nate! What's going on with you?" Liv asked. "And don't say nothing 'cos it's clearly not 'Nothing'."
"Its uh... school stuff."
"Seriously Nate? What are we, five? Sophie asked rhetorically.
"Guys I'm serious, don't worry about it". Nate said, trying to sound convincing which by the way did not work.
"Okay!" Sophie said. She sat on the couch and turned on the T.V.. Liv didn't want to ruin 'The movement' so she followed her lead and laid on the bed.
"Wha... what are you doing." Nate asked, confused.
"WE are not leaving this room until you tell us what's really going on with you".
At first he thought they were kidding because he didn't say anything for what seemed like ten minutes.
"Okay, fine." He said with frustration.
"It's about Gerald. He lied to us. I'm sorry but that's all I can tell you for now."
"Come on! You can't be serious". Sophie said.
He can't be serious though right? I mean what's the meaning of that. He says something that doesn't make any sense and refuses to explain?. Sophie thought.
"I promise I'll tell you everything, just not now okay?"
That was convincing enough.
"Alright" Sophie agreed for the both of them.
Sophie and Liv left his room afterwards and parted ways.
What could Gerald possibly be lying to us about. Liv said in her head. He's been very nice ever since we came here three weeks ago. He took us shopping, he even got us new phones. But since Nate said he lied. Then, he lied.
I just wish he could tell us more. She snapped out of it.
Liv was really tired but a pile of assignment was on her table, undone.
It was a Friday evening so she had alot of time for the assignment.
She laid on her bed hoping to drift away.


Since the twins left Nate's room Sophie couldn't stop thinking about what he said. How did he know Gerald was lying?
And it made her wonder.
Was there something Nate wasn't telling them?
Was he keeping secrets from them?
All those questions came rushing into her head.
A thought just came to her but Its better she kept it to herself.
She wouldn't want to change her perspective of Nate. That would just be unfair. Thirteen years of her life Nate has been looking out for her. And he does that without a price. So if Nate said Gerald lied then, Gerald lied. End of story.
She started searching for something else to fill my mind...
She hated those. Who doesn't?
I thought we were meant to relax our brains during weekends but more assignments are given on Fridays making weekends not-so-free. She said to herself.
She had a pile of assignment that needed attending to. But she couldn't do them. She promised Liv they'd do it together in Jake's house.
Jake's Sarah's cousin and he also lives around the block. Same class with Liv and Sophie, tall-ish, cute and smart. Not in a nerdy kind of way. Just really smart.
They did all their complex assignments with him.
Liv had a crush on him but like Nate, she was too shy to admit it.
It made Sophie sick.
"Oh God! What to do now, what to do?
There's only one more thing left to do.
Let me get to it then." And with that, she dosed off.



He always knew Gerald was not completely honest about some things.
The first being his name. Thier mother told him about a brother of hers but his name sure wasn't 'Gerald'.
It wasn't easy keeping the girls in the dark. But he had to. At least for now.
He had to find out why Gerald lied to them.
He was there that night. He saw the whole thing. And NOTHING Gerald said happened actually did.
He had a thought. What if Gerald was somehow involved in their plane crash either directly or he was ordered by his superiors. Either way, he had to find out. Their father was working on something big. He didn't know what it was though but he always fought with mum about it.
Nate had to figure out what Gerald was up to. And fast 'cos the next time the girls came asking questions he wouldn't be able to lie again. It really hurts to lie to them.
He spent the whole weekend trying to find something out of the ordinary. But Gerald is a very organised man. He has a routine and he doesn't shift from it. Not even for a day.
It was harder than Nate thought. He had to wait for a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes no matter how perfect they may seem.
For starters, he doesn't allow anyone near his room. That's so cliché. He'd have to start there, search his room. But that would be next weekend 'cos he's mostly home during weekdays. And that week was test week. There'll be no time.
"Nate! Dinner". He couldn't really tell if it was Liv or Sophie but he went nonetheless.


Happy New year guys🎉🎊. Even though I know it's 12th. Hope you liked it.

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