Dear Diary

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Dear Diary:

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As I walking down the hall, I saw my crush passing by as usual. I wondered what he thinks of me... Or maybe he doesn't. I looked back to my disgrace. Who would want a classic person like me who does ballet with a Smart and techy student counsil president?

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As I was walking across the hallway, I saw the girl who is known as a great dancer. Eligant and cute. As I  turned to look at her, she looked away. Who would want to have a geek person like me when there is her?

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If only they knew!!!! This is happening to a friend of mine.... :P wanna know who??

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The next day, the paper that I wrote flew out of my notebook. I reached for it but it went directly to my crush who read it.

I slowly backed away feeling embarrassed of what just happened. Before I could face the other direction. My crush called my name.

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I called out her name feeling embarrassed myself. All this time she liked me and I liked he but both of us didn't know? Is this called faith?

I gave her back the paper as well as mine. As soon as she was done reading the paper, I asked her:

"Would you please go out with me?"

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