2. "First Rescue"

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Chapter 2

i just want to say thank you for reading my fanfic and sorry if there are wrong grammars and spellings, not really good at English. ok read on


Lucy Pov

After long hours of class, we finally got our lunch break.

“wow, that was torture!” Ziel yawned and stretched her arms. “you just slept the whole time!” Levy said and we all laughed, I didn’t know Ziel-chan could even do that without getting caught.

“hey guys!” a voice called out to us and we saw Natsu,Gray,Elies,Duncan,Evan,and Takashi approaching us. “I saw Ziel sleeping in class…again” Elies said and Ziel stepped on his foot hard causing him to yelp in pain. “Ow! Why did you do that?!” he asked. “oops, didn’t see you’re foot there, my bad” Ziel said sarcasticly. Elies mumbled “little rascal” but it was only loud enough for him to hear. “come on guys let’s go eat some food!” Duncan and Natsu said in unison and rushed inside the cafeteria.

“wooaaaaahh….” I gazed up the cafeteria that looked like a bar. Wooden flooring and long tables, some round tables and chairs. There was a stage at the end of the hall and karaoke. There was also a place where they have all different kinds of drinks. And on the side of it was a kitchen door. And it the whole place was wide and high that it didn’t looked like a cafeteria.

“you know, this is a pub at night after school hours” Freya said when she noticed me staring at the whole place. “wow really? That’s cool”  I said “yeah, we all work here, the pay is alright but we get extra points in extra curricular activities!” Levy says. “you wanna part time here, Lucy?” Erza asked me I smiled widely and answered a big yes!

“great, our senior waitress just graduated and we are in need of one person” Mira said, she grabbed my two hands and smiled at me “this will be fun Lucy!” I smiled back.

“hey! Are you just gonna smile there all the time?” we turned to see Natsu yelling at us. “sorry! We’ll be right there!” Freya called back and we started. We started to walk there when the school’s voice box went on.

Miss Rogers! Miss Heartfilia, please go to the principal’s office now, thank you”

I looked a bit confused, then I heared a bang on the table. And I saw an annoyed Ziel whose forehead has touching the table.

“aw, man….Miss Dots must have reported me to Gramps, ugh!” and she banged her head again and again.

“but if Ziel is getting called for what she did this morning…” Evan pointed at me “then you must be in trouble too” he said and smirked. “w-what?! But I didn’t do anything!” I panicked, what if I did got in trouble, that would be bad for my first day. “oh no, Lucy’s a rule breaker!” Elies teased and laughed and high-fived with Evan. It made me annoyed so I gave them my signature move “LUCY KICK!!!”

And the two were lying on the ground. “awesome Lucy!! You rock!” Ziel suddenly had her energy back. “woah, that was some kick Lucy, cool” Natsu complimented and I smiled and blushed slightly.

“well you guys better get going, Master is waiting” Takashi said and drank his cola. “oh yeah, ok we’ll be back guys” I said when I stood up Levy stopped me “wait Lu-chan!” I turned to Levy “what is it” I asked she pointed to the unconscious Evan and Elies and Ziel who was currently counting the money on their wallets.

“ummm, what is she doing?” I asked “being herself actually” Gray said like it was just a normal thing. “Hey Rogers, you better go see Gramps now!” Gray added, he got Ziel’s attention she smiled and returned the wallets, she ran and grabbed my hand and we exited the cafeteria.

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