15.) The Week Begins

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You pace around your room , nervous for what today holds for you. It's Christmas and you'd be spending it with the Malfoy family at their mansion. You've been there multiple times , before but that was before you knew Draco. Now that you know Draco and you two have some undeniable tension you can't stand the thought of spending the week there .

Of course your parents would be there but they also don't know about your dilemma therefore you are on your own. Alister won't be there to keep you company so that means you'll be forced to interact with Draco.

You continue to pace around your room , grabbing random clothing and throwing it in your suitcase . While doing this you spot your favorite book atop of your desk. Lifting it up to toss it inside of your suitcase , falling out from under it lay the letter Alister sent you the night before the ball.

Tossing the book aside you snatch the letter and plop yourself on the bed . You look over Alister's very neat and elegant handwriting on the envelope . Alister's handwriting it so good , sometimes you forget that he's 11 too. Lifting the opening to the envelope you take out the parchment inside and carefully read it .

Y/n ,
I don't know when you plan to read this you are a very forgetful person after all . Anyways I know that you will be spending Christmas at Malfoy's . Feel free to write to me while your there . Spending Christmas with Malfoy must be the worst after all.
Anyways my condolences.
Alister Windslet -

You sit there staring at the letter , blush grazing the apples of your cheeks . Just as you were about to reread the letter to yourself , your mothers calls up the stairs telling your it's time to leave . You fold the letter and hastily grab your suitcase as you head to the fireplace .

Your father grabs the floo powder from the top of the fire place and yells "Malfoy Manner" and in the blink of an eye you are standing at the gates of the Malfoy manner . Your father carrying his suitcase steps forward and opens the gate so you and your mother can enter.

After spending walking up the Malfoy's extremely long walkway you finally reach their black door. Your mother excitingly knocks on the door squealing something about seeing Narissa . After a few knocks the house elf Dobby answers.

"Masters we've been expecting you , yes we did . Please , please come in !" Dobby says while stepping aside holding the door opening for your family.

Once inside Dobby takes your jackets and you thank him. You know that the Malfoy's aren't the kindest to their house elf's so whenever you see Dobby you are sure to extra kind to him.

Besides that inside your stomach is doing it's rounds making your feel like your about to hurl. Footsteps can be heard coming from the Malfoy's black winding stair case . Narissa and Lucious come down the stairs . Smiles on their faces . They are followed by Draco , who ignores you completely . Which you are thankful for .

"Oh y/m/n!!! How lovely it is to have you here ! " Narissa says in her high pitched voice as she rushes over arms wide open to embrace your mother in a hug .

Lucious on the other hand , walks over and mutters a greeting to you father , while patting him on the shoulder. All the parents head into the dining room to chat before dinner, you decide to head to the guest room that was set aside for you . You've been to the manner before you met Draco , when you'd come for visits with your father , you'd stay in this one room that you considered to be "your" room in the Malfoy Household.

Whenever you went there that's were you stayed . Feeling nervous as you walk past Draco whom was still standing on the stairs looking down at you. You shyly pass him carrying your luggage you fee relived once you at tree steps above him. But as soon you started to feel relived and relaxed you felt a tug on your wrist . You turn over to see Draco grabbing your wrist in a death grip. Not saying a word he drags you over to "your" room and enters the room.

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