Do you miss me?

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"Wayo..." Phana whispered softly, his face was clearly in shock as he looked at Wayo walking gracefully towards him. Wayo still looked as innocent and as vibrant as the first time Phana saw him.

"P'Pha, why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?" Wayo asked as he wiped his cheeks and looked at his hands to see if there was anything on his hands.

"Wayo...N'Yo...My Wayo..." Phana mumbled, his voice cracked, trying to choke his sobs as tears filled his eyes. 

"P'Pha, why are you crying?" Wayo asked as he sat down on the bed before he scooted closer to Phana.

"I missed you so much, Wayo. Are you real?" Phana asked as he took Wayo's hands and put it on his cheeks. The warmth radiating from Wayo's hands was still the same. Even Wayo's scent was still the same as three years ago.

"What do you mean I am real? Of course I am." Wayo said as he leaned towards Phana and gave him a soft peck on his lips.

Phana touched his own lips in disbelief. His Wayo has really come back to him. He quickly pulled Wayo into his embrace as his tears started to fall down again.

"P'Pha, why are you being so weird?" Wayo asked as he let Phana hugged him tightly.

"I thought you were dead. My Wayo...I thought you had left me forever..." Phana mumbled, but loud enough for Wayo to hear.

"Hush, P'Pha. What are you saying? I was just gone for one day." Wayo replied softly. "Here I am now. I am back. See? Alive and in one piece." Wayo coaxed softly as he hugged Phana and gave a soft kiss on Phana's cheeks.

Phana was puzzled. He knew for a fact that Wayo is dead, three years ago, in front of his eyes. But here is Wayo, all healthy and perfect, hugging him and kissing him tenderly.

He clenched his fist tightly. If this is some kind of games, he would definitely punched the face of the game maker. But now that Wayo - his Wayo - has come back, Phana doesn't really care anymore. He had suffered without Wayo for three long years, and now he will suffer no more. His Wayo has come back to love him.

"P'Pha, why are you in here? I was so shocked when I found out. You are supposed to be a doctor, not the patient." Wayo looked at him earnestly as he asked. Phana laughed, unable to contain his happiness.

"Why are you laughing? I am not making jokes right now." Wayo said as he pouted. Phana stopped laughing as kissed Wayo's pout. Wayo immediately gave a soft hit on Phana's shoulder.

"Ouch!" Phana whimpered as he pretend to be hurt but Wayo just rolled his eyes.

"P'Pha! I'm serious!" Wayo scolded Phana but Phana just shrugged it off. He pinched Wayo's chubby cheeks lovingly.

"I'm fine. I just need to do some check ups. Don't worry." Phana replied, but he can see that Wayo was not assured. Nevertheless, he shrugged it off as he pulled Wayo into his embrace and kissed Wayo's neck softly.

"I miss you so much, baby." He whispered as he continued to kiss Wayo along his neck and his shoulder. Wayo let out a soft moan before Wayo stopped him.

"P'Pha, we are in hospital. We should not do this." Wayo said as he stood up from the bed, his face was red.

"But I miss you so much!" Phana protested. "Where are you going?" Phana panicked when he saw Wayo walking away. He was about to got out from the bed when Wayo stopped him.

"I just want to go and grab some food for us. I am starving. I promise I'll come back." Wayo replied softly as he walked towards Phana and gave a soft reassuring peck on Phana's lips.

"Promise?" Phana asked as he held on to Wayo's hand tightly.

"Yes. I just want to go for a while, okay?" Wayo smiled as he loosened his hands off Phana's hold and gave another peck on Phana's cheeks before he walked out of the room.

Phana just looked at Wayo leaving him longingly. As soon as Wayo exited the room, Phana lied down on his bed again as he sighed in relief. He hasn't felt this happy since a long time. As he was deep in his thoughts about Wayo, he heard the sound of the door opening.

"You are bac- Oh..." Phana's words faltered when he saw Ming came into the room, followed by Kit, Forth and Beam. All of them were wearing black suits.

"P'Pha, why aren't you ready yet? P'Kit, did you forgot to bring P'Pha's suits yesterday?" Ming asked when he saw that Phana was still not ready.

"Ai Pha, I already put your suits in the cupboard. Go and get ready." Kit urged.

"I am not going." Phana said suddenly, making everyone gasped in shock.

"What?" Beam asked, afraid that he heard Phana wrongly.

"I said I'm not going." Phana repeated, this time louder and firmer.

"But we are going to Wayo's-"

"Stop it. I am not going, and that's final." Phana cut Forth's words sharply.

All of them were dumbfounded. Kit looked at Beam and signalled him to go out from the room. Beam nodded.

"Okay. If that's what you want, then we'll be going first." Beam uttered and went out, followed by Kit. Ming and Forth were still in shock, but they followed their boyfriend nonetheless.

Phana sighed softly as he slupmed on the bed, looking at the ceiling.

"Wayo, come back quickly. I miss you already." Phana whispered.

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