I understand now...

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Kit hugged Ming and put his face on Ming's chest. He couldn't care less about people staring at him, or about his snort making a big stain on Ming's suit. In fact, he couldn't care about anything else other than the fact that his best friend passed away.

Ming patted Kit's shoulder and whispered him some gentle words to lift his spirits up. He could see that Ming was sad too, but Ming was being strong for him. He was forever grateful to have a boyfriend as kind as Ming.

Beam was silent throughout the funeral procession. He was battling an internal battle inside his mind. Forth only sat beside him while holding his hands; not saying anything, but ready to do anything Beam needs him to.

Both of them were very distraught. Now they know how Phana must have felt when he couldn't save Wayo. Regrets filled the air as both of them mourned. They stay on the procession from morning till the end. They even consoled Phana's family.

The family decided to burn Phana's body and let the ashes out into the sea. It was what Phana would have wanted too.


They sat down beside the beach, looking at the sky. The sky was dark, and the stars are shining brightly. There is no moon today, probably the moon is mourning the loss of Phana, just like them.

By now, Kit had stopped crying. His face was puffed from crying too much, his nose beet red. Beam also looked a little less tight. He hugged Forth's arm and leaned to Forth, but he still didn't talk as much.

It was Kit who started to talk.

"I can't believe that he's gone. I thought we can help him." Kit said, regrets filled each of his words. Ming looked at everyone's face as he cleared his throat.

"I am sorry if this sounds harsh, but I am happy that he is finally off. I know that all of us think that he's beyond saving already. I am no doctor, but even I can see that his sufferings increase as time passed. I am sorry if this hurts." Ming said softly and apologetically.

"What do you mean he's beyond saving? How could you say that?" Kit yelled, his face turning red. Beam just looked at Ming and frowned.

"Actually, I don't know how to explain this. But I think that P'Pha's case was beyond our hands. Maybe we are not meant to save him. Maybe we are meant to let him go." Ming answered, still very soft as he took Kit's hand in his. Kit quickly snatched his hands away.

"How could you-" Kit was about to scream when Beam cut him off.

"What do you mean?" Beam asked, his voice serious.

"The moment P'Pha fell down from the rooftop, I heard Wayo's voice welcoming P'Pha home to him. It was very gentle, like a whisper of the wind, but it was clear. No doubt that it was Yo's voice." Ming replied. Kit shook his head in disbelief.

"No. I don't believe it. Besides, why would N'Yo want Pha to kill himself? That is a mean thing to do, not to mention selfish. Did N'Yo not think about Pha's friends and family?" Kit argued. Ming took Kit's hand in his own hand again and squeezed it softly.

"I had given this a long thought last night. I think that we have to accept that there are more unknown things in the world that we cannot explain. When I heard Yo's voice, I immediately had a feeling that Yo was actually there, looking at us all along, looking after P'Pha especially. Think about it in Yo's perspective. What would Yo do when he saw P'Pha had a hard time moving on from him? For years? He must have felt guilty that P'Pha became like that because of him. And knowing him, he'll feel even sadder seeing you and P'Beam sad, and P'Pha's family too." Ming asked as he looked at Kit.

"P'Kit. Let's say we broke up. And you saw me suffering because of you. Because I cannot move on from you. What would you do?" Ming asked again. Kit looked at Ming, and then he looked down.

"I guess I would let you get back to me. It hurts me to see you hurts, especually if it is about me." Kit replied slowly. Beam nodded in understanding then he kissed Forth's cheeks.

"Me too. It hurts me to see you hurt, Forth." Beam whispered slowly.

"I've known Yo since he was small. If there is anyone who is most unselfish, it would be him. That's why he only comes after 3 years. He must have hoped that P'Pha would move on and continue on living without him. However, after 3 years, he must have seen how P'Pha had become without him. He must have realized that P'Pha was beyond saving. At least not in this world. That's why Yo did what he could." Ming explained what was in his thoughts.

Beam looked at Kit before he nodded.

"I don't know. But I guess, there is a greater force out there than just medicine and technology. As absurd as it sounds, I believe in you, N'Ming. Maybe, just maybe, their love travelled across two different worlds, that even death cannot do them apart." Beam said softly as he took Kit's hands. "I hope you can let Pha go," Beam added as he rubbed Kit's hands softly.

Kit looked at Beam. He was trying to hold his tears. Ming came and pulled Kit into his embrace lovingly.

"Hush P'Kit. P'Pha would not like to see his friends and family becomes sad because of him." Ming persuaded. It took Kit awhile. Everyone was silently lost in their own thoughts when Kit finally spoke again.

"I guess...Even death cannot do them apart. Hope you are happy beside your beloved, Pha. We'll miss both of you."Kit whispered slowly, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

And somewhere far away across the horizon, two stars shine brighter than ever tonight, and will continue to shine as long as they have someone to remember them, and their love story.

-The End-


A/N: Finally, it's ending. I guess this is what I would call a bittersweet ending. "Seulpun sarang (In reference to the Korean drama series 'Goblin')".

I hope you like it, and I am sorry for any mistakes.
Thanks for reading it until the end.

For those who want more, feel free to check out my other stories:
Between Rain and Snow (An original fic by me).
The Knot That Ties Us (2Moons fics - OT6 Soulmate Au)

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