Once You're Mine (Haylor Fanfiction)

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_Chapter 11_

Taylor's POV

14th of April 2012

"Close your eyes" Harry said as he covered them with his hands. He led the way into some room, before removing them, "You can look now." He whispered. I opened my eyes and found myself in a beach hut. It was quite small, there was one big room with a bed made of wood against the wall opposite the entrance and a small kitchen in one corner. There was also a door which led to the bathroom. The walls of the hut were made of wood and the roof of hay.
"Harry this is perfect!" I said hugging him.
"Come and see the beach." He said smiling, before sliding his fingers through mine.
As soon as we stepped out of our hut our shoes filled with sand and the sea stretched out in front of us, just a few feet away. Harry squeezed my hand tight then started running towards the water dragging me along with him.
"Harry what are you doing!" I said laughing "We'll get all our clothes wet!"
He didn't seem to hear cause he lifted me up and threw me in the water before diving in himself. Two hands got hold of me under the surface and pulled me closer, his lips found mine and we kissed until we had to emerge for air. By the time we'd finished splashing each other the sun was already low on the horizon. We were both soaked, so we showered and changed before dinner. I put on a pair of faded blue shorts and a loose t-shirt, amazed at how the weather was so much hotter compared to New York. As I stepped out on the beach I saw Harry standing in front of a barbecue cooking some meat. He was shirtless, wearing a pair of black ripped shorts which clearly showed his grey halfiger boxers.
"Hi baby" he said as I approached him. "Why don't you start going to sit down" he said pointing at two beach chairs facing the blue sea, " I'll join you as soon as these burgers are cooked."
After dinner we lay down on the sand and stared at the beautiful sky; there were stars everywhere. Harry had his strong arm wrapped around me and my head against his chest. I could feel his heart beat speed up every time we touched. I was so shattered after the long flight that I fell asleep in his arms so he carried me to bed and softly kissed me goodnight. I couldn't wait for another day in paradise.

_Chapter 12_

Taylor's POV

15th of April 2012

When I woke the next morning Harry was still in bed next to me, but he wasn't sleeping, his eyes were gazing towards me.
"You're so beautiful when you sleep." His rough morning voice said. I smiled and leaned in to kissed him.
"So what shall we do today?" I asked Harry while we were getting dressed.
"I hired a boat and thought we could go around the island and stop in the places we fancy." He said putting a tight-fitted white t-shirt on.
"That sounds great!" I answered heading for the bathroom. "I'll comb my hair and brush my teeth, then we can leave."
I was really amazed by Harry's driving, I never thought he'd be that good.
"Here" he said "You try, it's really easy."
"Only if you help me" I answered. So Harry stood behind me his hands on mine as we steered the boat. Our hair flew around at the speed and I often turned to give him a quick kiss.
"Shall we stop here?" I said pointing at a nearby town along the coast.
"Yes, of course." Harry answered.
We ate in a restaurant on the beach which served us lovely fish, then as we were walking along the shore hand in hand we came across a game of volley and decided to join. Harry and I won the tournament which was hilarious cause we had no idea how to play and were just being silly.
"We should probably start heading back" Harry said looking at the big clouds in the sky "I think a storm might be on its way."
We just made it to our hut in time before it started pouring.
"Look at this weather!" Harry said, gazing out of the window. "I hope it's better tomorrow."
"I'm sure it will. It would be nice to go for a walk around the island before we leave." I answered changing into my pyjamas.
"It doesn't seem possible that this time tomorrow we'll already be flying home. It's gone so fast." Harry said turning towards me. He stared into my blue eyes his gaze as intense as ever.
"I wanna make the most of tonight." He suddenly said taking his wet t-shirt off and heading towards me. He lay me down on the bed, our lips glued together.
I'm not sure how much we slept that night between making out, snuggling and talking. I really didn't want this trip to end and go back to my usual life in the spotlight, because Harry made me feel so alive, like a teenager again and I didn't want this to stop.

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