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I love her , I love her , i love her
Saying it over and over
And the feeling does not change one bit
I imagine happy endings with someone other than her but it doesn't seem real. I can't go on to write another sentence about her because it's hard. I cannot love her still , I hate that she makes me feel this way after all this time.  I want someone else to love this way. I can't love what I can't have, it's too hard to even try. My feelings cannot be controlled so I have to make up my own world , but then reality hits and she's not a part of it. But i love her , I know that I do but a big part of me does not want it to be true. These feelings are uncontrollable, its like its set in my soul it starts from my chest and spreads taking over my body in whole. How can I move on from this type of love when nothing else makes me feel so complete but nothing will make me more happy than being rid of it.
Now, it just has to be accepted
And with the luck of time this feeling will be deactivated.

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