Chapter 3- Joe

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I woke up with a start, tangled in my bedsheets. Whoa, who would've shouted like-


Startled, I tumbled over the bed and landed on the floor with a thump. No one ever called me Joseph unless-

Oh crap, what did I do now?

I reluctantly padded down the stairs, bracing for the onslaught of Mum's anger. This wasn't about blocking the loo, right? I fixed that, fair and square!

"Joseph McKenzie, you are in so much trouble." Mum growled, holding something in her hand. My heart stopped when I realised it was my report card.

"What did I do?" I tried to keep the tremble showing in my voice.

"You're failing in class." Mum said, clipping each word.

"Which ones?" I walked over and looked at the card, my heart plummeting.


I spied an A next to a subject. "No, I have an A in P.E."

"I do not need your snark now, Joseph!" Mum snapped, angrily snatching back my report card.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"Sorry doesn't cut it!" She looked through the card. "C in Science, D in Maths, D in English, E in History-"

"Look, I'm sorry Mum! I'm not the best in academics, okay? But that doesn't mean you have to shark me for it!" I shouted, immediately regretting it.

Mum looked ready to explode. "What did you say?"


"That's IT!" Mum screamed, flinging a finger towards the stairs. "Joseph McKenzie, you are GROUNDED!"

"But what about football?" I asked, shrinking away.

Mum glared at me. "You're not going."


My fingers hovered over the keyboard of my phone.

Joe: Hey Noah, I can't come to practice 2day. Please tell Coach, thx bro :(

Then my finger swiped and opened up the group chat.

hobo_joe: is any1 online?

The reply was almost immediate.

leo_the_fabulous: Only your famous bedsexual friend is! ;)

hobo_joe: my mum grounded me :(

leo_the_fabulous: WHAT?!

hobo_joe: Ik

leo_the_fabulous: IM COMING OVER

hobo_joe: how far away r u?

leo_the_fabulous: Here.

There was a knock at the door and I practically jumped out of my skin. I wasn't expecting him to be so early. I heard the door open.

"Leo! What a lovely surprise!" I heard Mum say. She had always liked Leo, thank God.

"Hi Mrs. McKenzie." Leo was turning up the charm- oh God. "Is Joe in?"

"He's not expecting anyone at the moment." Mum's voice took on a warning tone.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. McKenzie, but it's an emergency."

"Is it about school?"

Please say yes Leo, I begged mentally.

"Yeah, studying for English."

"Come right in, Leo." My mum's tone changed from warning to warm and bright. "Joe's in his room."

"Thank you Mrs. McKenzie." I heard steps pounding up the stairs and the door of my room burst open. Leo stood there, shutting the door and sprawling himself onto my bed.

"Make yourself at home Leo." I muttered.

"Spill the deets, dude." Leo glared at me.

I sighed and sat down next to him. "Mum's grounded me because I'm failing at school."

Leo raised a perfect eyebrow. "Even football?"

"Even football." I moaned glumly.

Leo gasped dramatically. "How dare she!"

"I knowwww." I buried my face into my pillow, maybe wishing I would suffocate.

"How can we fix this?" Leo asked.

I looked at him. "Do better."

Hello readers!

It's EmmaTheWolf here, writing this chapter and editing.
I hope you enjoyed Joe's chapter and a glimpse of his home life- next up is Misty!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2018 ⏰

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