Chapter 6

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Merida's POV

My father game towards us. A stable boy came to take Angus and bring him to his stall. I stroked dirt off my dress and turned to my father, spreading out my arms to embrace him into a hug. He promised me to hug me every time we see, before he turns the attention to the baby after its born. I felt comfortable hugging him but I guess Hiccup felt left out for a moment. My father pulled away and turned to Hiccup. “So, what was the name? The housemaid told me it was something strange, for sure.”, he said, reaching his hand for Hiccup. I couldn't tell if he was nervous, but he shook my fathers hand with confidence, even if you could see how ashamed he was. “Its Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Sir. I mean, your majesty.“, Hiccup answered. My father laughed, telling him he likes him, and moved to Hiccups side, patting him on the back, but knocking him down by mistake. My father was a strong man. I felt guilty for not telling him, but I felt even guiltier to have laughed at him. Taking a deep breath, I held out a hand for Hiccup, helping him up with a gently smile. He gave me a smile as he took my hand and let me help him. He looks so gorgeous when he smiles at me. No Merida, stop thinking that! My father cleared his throat and we both let go of each others hands, turning away. This was very awkward. I scratched my arm and he seemed to scratch his neck. Getting a frowning by my dad, I took a deep breath. “So, I heard mother wants to see me?”, I asked shy. He just gave me a nod and turned to Hiccup. I sighed and turned around, ready to go into the castle. I could hear a part of the conversation my father and Hiccup had. “So, 'Haddock III'. Are ye a royal? Or why the 'III'?”, he questioned him. “Well, kinda.. but, not really. I don't think, Sir.”, Hiccup stuttered. I went inside and saw my brothers in the halls. “Where is mother?”, I asked, raising an eyebrow. They were jam-full with sweets and cake, which were obviously meant for dessert, and pointed at the stairs. She was upstairs in her room, I hope she is OK. Tousling trough every ones hair, I jumped up the stairs to my mothers bedroom. Before I could knock, I heard her yelling to come in. As she pleases, I opened the door. “So, what's the matter?”, I asked unaware of everything. She patted the bed to tell me to sit down. I secretly rolled my eyes, hoping she wouldn't notice and sit down. Can't this woman just talk to my like always? I was about to growl out of despair but I didn't let her see. I'm in control of myself! Totally! “So.. what?”, I said shrugging. “Are you ill? Do you need something?” I heard her sigh loud. “Merida... You are 19 years old and still refuse to find a man to marry.” Screw the control. I growled loudly out of despair. “Could we please talk about this, after dinner? We have a guest.”, I said sheepishly, covering my blushing face in my hands. I still don't like the thought of getting married. I do not want someone odd, like the most guys my father picks. And I don't know them, they are strangers. Like Hiccup. I felt a prickling in my stomach, thinking about him in such a situation. Yeah he's a stranger, but he is different. He is kind and funny and cute and his eyes are just--- Stop it already! I felt my cheeks getting hot and I knew I was red like a tomato. “Call me when dinner's ready. I'll be in my room!”, I yelled, jumping from my mothers bad, running trough the hall into my room. I slit down the door as I closed it behind me. My heart felt so heavy, beating in my chest. I heard my blood rushing trough my veins, deep in my ears. The only thing louder, was my uneven, heavy breath, escaping my mouth. What is this? “This is so embarrassing...”, I mumbled into my palm, still covering my tomato red face. I felt a shiver running up my whole body as someone knocks on my door. “Princess? Dinner's ready. Would you mind coming down?” I took a deep breath and gulped two times before I stood up and opened the door, thanking the housemaid to call me and went down. I heard my father talking to Hiccup as the door opened and they got in. Were they talking the whole time? My mother was sitting on the table, before everyone else. How long have I been in my room? It seemed like just a few seconds. I walked down the stairs with vanity, catching Hiccups smile what made me giggle and tremble a bit. Not obviously, I didn't felt it that much too. Anyways. I reached the end of the stairs and my father just sat down in the long side of the table, having an eye on everyone. My brothers filled one bank by their self so I rolled my eyes and sat next to Hiccup. My mother told my brothers to behave and they did, and smiled to our guest. “You took your time, my dear.”, my mother said as she puts the first bit on her fork. “Did I?”, I mumbled with my mouth full. An angry look hit me and I held my hand before my mouth, trying to swallow and apologized for showing no manners. Hiccup was really quite, and he seems cowed by my father. What where thy talking about? No one was really talking. My parents just exchanged a few glances but no talks. I continued eating, peeking to Hiccup, who was looking around and eating quietly. Suddenly, my father started to talk to me: “Did ye know, your friend here, is a Viking?” What was bad about vikings? “No... is this.. bad?”, I asked and something inside of me was afraid of hearing a 'yes'. He shook his head and I felt relieved. “Bad? No! I just.. thought... you know.” He was clearing his throat and continued eating. I have no idea, whats going on right know, but it makes me feel unease. Not that I don't enjoy Hiccups presence, I'm just afraid my father frightened him with some stories or told him to go away after dinner. My heart felt heavy at this thoughts. Why? Control your self! My mother giggled and I asked what was so funny. Hearing her laugh or giggle was not a good sign. Well, or a too good sign. Watch out, this could be embarrassing. And indeed, it was. “You two look so cute. Sitting next to each other, avoiding eye contact but peeking at each other when the other one's not looking and Merida you are already blushing red.” I held my cheeks and Hiccup nearly chocked on his food. I gently hit his back 'till he could breath again. “Jeez! Don't scare me this bad again!”, I held my hand on my chest. “You scared the hell out of us!” My father glanced to my mother. “Did you hear that? 'Us'. So, is there something we should know?” I know they made fun, but was it fun for me? It. Was. Not. I pushed away my place and let my head fell on the table, running my fingers trough my hair. I heard my mother yelling about not to put my head and hair on the table and lifted it up, looking annoyed and angry. It was silent for a few seconds. Everyone stopped eating, looking to me and Hiccup. As my father shrugged and pulled more food to his snickering mouth, the rest of us continued eating as well. I just want to go into my room and shut me out of the world. It was just noon and I felt like it was in the middle of the night. After finishing dinner, my father told us to go outside. He has to talk to our mother and I should get Hiccup a place to sleep. We went outside and I was about to take him to the INN but as the door closed, Hiccup grabbed me and pulled me aside. My heart pumping and looked confused. “Listen...”, he began dejected and made me worry. “I.. I talked to your father, and I think I should go.” I shook my head in surprise and disbelieve. “What?” He didn't seem to want that but there was some force pushing him to. “Please, just stay the day! I will get ye a place in the INN, ye don't have to pay!” Was I even aware what I'm talking? A light smile formed on his face and he agreed. I was so happy at that moment and I couldn't help it but looking into his gorgeous green eyes. I faced reality again and cleared my throat. “Ah... but the day isn't done yet!”, I chuckled to raise the mood. I looked at my surroundings to get an overview of what we could do. “How about... do you know how to fight?”, I asked, raising an eyebrow while pointing to an 'arena', marked by bales of hay positioned in a circle. “Well... a bit, why?”, he said scratching the back of his neck. “Please, let me fight you?”, I begged, wrapping my arms around one of his, leaving him no choice. I heard him sighing and mumble something but it was to quiet to understand. “OK, but don't injure me again. My arm still hurts”, he agreed. “And hugging it thigh, sadly, won't make it better.” He snickered at the last part and I let go of his arm. That was a stupid idea. I just hurt him and now I want to fight him again? He stopped and looked at me with worry, as I looked on the ground. “Sorry, I forgot I shoot you.”,I said with debt in my voice. I wanted to slap myself. Then, he did something I did not expect him to do.

The boy with the Dragon and the girl with the Bow. [Mericcup]Where stories live. Discover now