Chapter 11

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(A/N: Sorry for not uploading yesterday! It was mothers day and my mother just came back from Berlin! And because of my Mothers Birthday today, I'll upload a bit earlier. I hope you enjoy the new chapter)

3rd Person POV

The blue light of the wisps enveloped both, Merida and Hiccup, as the little blue beings of Light formed a circle around them. Fate. Was it their fate so stay together, forever? Merida shivered about this thought but Hiccup didn't even know what they are. “What's going on here?”, he asked confused. “The Will O' the Wisps. They show your fate... you have the chance to change it.”, Merida explained as the wisps disappeared and formed a path deeper into the forest. Merida stood up and was about to follow them but Hiccup rolled around and jumped up, grabbing her hand. “Wait! We need to find Toothless!”, he complained concerned. Merida looked at him, then to the wisps, then back to him and as she looked to the wisps, they changed their path. “We will! Just follow them.”, she assured him. He frowned and complained about what happened before, that the wisps brought them to those villagers. Merida faced it. Yes, they brought them to the villagers who rather trade her on a black marked than bring her back to the king, but maybe the wisps just stopped there because they were afraid of the men. The urge to follow was so big but was stopped by one question running trough Merida's head. Was it worth it? “They will show us where Toothless is!”, she assumed, and she was right. “How do you know?”, Hiccup asked, finding all of this suspicious. “I know it. Just trust me, please.”, she bagged, started to follow the wisps a few steps, until Hiccup sighed and started to follow as well. When the path, the wisps showed, ended, they stood before a big wall. Behind the walls where voices, all kind of voices, and other sounds. “This isn't the kingdom... I've never been here before.”, Merida whispered while hiding behind a tree. Hiccup rolled his eyes and observing his surroundings. “See? I told you they will get us into trouble.” Merida growled but a squeak appeared from the other side of the wall. Toothless. “See? I told ye they will get us to Toothless.” Their eyes met for a second and a tense mood filled the air between them. Merida was the first one to look away. She doesn't want to start an argument or a fight, so does he. He took a deep breath and stepped back behind the tree, followed by Merida. “We need to find a way in there.”, he whispered and Merida nodded even though he couldn’t see it. They went a few meters until they found a gate with two men in front of it. “Who are you?”, the one man asked. Hiccup tried to play cool and the spark of anger he had helped him not to fail. “Does it matter?”, he asked harsh. The mans glanced at each other and to Merida. Luckily they didn't recognize her as the princess because her face was hidden by the silky hood of the black coat. They opened the door and Merida gripped Hiccups, trying not to loose him in the crowd. “You two shall pass!”, said the other man and Hiccup nodded, passing trough the gate with Merida close to him. He sensed her fear but he couldn't help the tense mood around them. It's similar to the one, when he left the castle and he patted her head before they wandered around the kingdom. Hiccup remembered the moment, Merida asking him to dance in the sunset and smiled. He got back to reality and realized where they were now. The black market. “We need to find Toothless.”, he whispered to her. “We should follow the people. A dragon sure would attract a lot of people, huh?”, she answered quietly. Her presumption was right and as they followed the people they got to a great place with a black thing in the middle, feared by all the bad people trying to hurt him. Hiccups eyes widen as he saw the chains around his neck and paws. Toothless looked from person to person until he caught Hiccups glance and was about to run towards him but the chains were holding him back. Hiccup was about to run to him but Merida held him back. “Wait just a little bit more.”, she whispered near his ear to make sure no one hears. His hands formed fists and his anger came up. He wasn't angry with Merida, he was angry with the man who captured Toothless. And that man was talking right now: “Oh, I'm sorry! Are you OK? My dragon is a bit irrepressible.” “Your dragon?”, Hiccup flinched and grit his teeth. “Well, how much for your dragon?”, he asked right away. Merida was happy that he hasn't lost control yet. The trader asked him, what he could give him. Hiccup didn't thought of anything but Merida stepped in front of him, presenting the cloak. “This is a magic cloak.”, she lied. She didn't actually lied, she just didn't knew by herself, since she took the cloak from a witch's cottage. Everyone started laughing. Hiccup was unsure and looked around. What was she doing? “Why are ye laughin'? Ye see a dragon, so why not believe in magic?”, she complained with a bit of sass in her voice. Good thing no one notices she's the princess. After the trader stopped laughing, he requested her to show some magic. “Fine. I will calm the dragon.”, she said, turning to Toothless, signalizing him to play angry until she touches him, with a wink. Toothless pointed his ears and stared growling as she got closer to him. As she stood in front of him, he rose her left hand and petted his head, what made him sit and purr like a cat. Everyone's jaw dropped, except Hiccup's, and Merida giggled. Hiccup got closer and the trader unlocked the chains around Toothless paws. She still petted him and Toothless, as uninformed as he was, licked her face, causing her hood to fall and reveal her face. Know they knew who she was. Besides saying a few swearing words, she and Hiccup hurried to get on Toothless's back, while the other people and the trader ran towards them. Toothless spread his wings and spit fire. He was about to take off but the chains around his neck were still there. “Watch out!”, Merida yelled, lifting her arm and pointing towards a fighter but all of the sudden, a crow appeared out of her sleeve, attacking the man once ready to fight them. Merida's eyes widen. “It is a magic cloak...” The crow attacked the trader, stealing the key for Toothless chains, taking it to Hiccup. He opened the chains and Toothless took off, so fast, Merida nearly fell off if she wouldn't grab Hiccup tight. Arrows flew in their direction, but hitting them did neither of them. Merida giggled about their low skill of archery. They made it over the walls and escaped to the mountains, landing on a cliff before the sun set down. They should probably light a campfire before the sun is gone for the night.

The boy with the Dragon and the girl with the Bow. [Mericcup]Where stories live. Discover now