Chapter 8

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 Merida's POV

I cried myself to sleep. It was horrible, catastrophic... my parents will force me into marriage, again! I don't want this! Lifting my head out of the pillow, glancing to a beautiful dress made for this whole nonsense and sighing like I never did before. At all this stupid 'Husband-Hunts', I've never cried. I yelled and got angry but never cried. Why, why now? My heart felt heavy as I knew why. It was because of Hiccup. I wanted to torn the dress in pieces, trow away my blankets and I wanted to cry. Pictures forming in my mind, pictures of me, demolishing everything but after hours of crying I just felt empty. My mother was knocking on my door, way to often, wanting me to come down and greet the guests. Covering my eyes while lifting my limp body out of bed, getting dressed for this show my parents wanted to see. It's just a show, in my eyes. The only good thing was that I didn't need to hear this white hood I had to wear before. My hair was just too much to fill it. Hoping no one will be on the other side, I opened the door, looking into my mothers worried face. “Merida! You are paler than ever. Are you sick?”, she asked shocked, pressing her hands on my cheeks and on my forehead. I felt to empty to talk but whispered 'Does a broken heart count?' and turned away to the railing, looking down to three clans, with one leader each with his son by his side. How long have they been here? An hour? Apparently. They looked inpatient and angry, but as my mothers loud steps echoed through the hall, everyone was looking at me. What do they see in me? Emptiness or just a beautiful royal?

Hiccup's POV

It made me worry that I have slept well the night. All of the sudden a guard came in my room, waking me up. “Are you Hiccup Haddock the III?”, he asked sternly and I answered with a sleepy and slow nod, trying to keep my eyes open. The guard cleared his throat and started to explain: “The Kings offer, for you, to come and visit the ceremony, finding a great husband for princess Merida, is still on. If you wouldn't mind following me to the castle with me now.” My chest hurt and I gulped, making me think if I really wanted this. I wanted to see her but not with someone else. She was the best girl I've ever met, she was too good for me, and maybe that's why I need to go. I need to go back to Berk, to my family, to the other dragons. I don't fall easy for girls and to be honest, like I ever have a chance. I'm clumsy, not strong enough to fight properly and parents usually don't like me. But I am smart, kinda good looking and actually very brave. I shook my head to the guard and told him, I'm leaving. He smiled like it was a good thing to go. Another reason to go away from here. “Well then, the offer is withdrawn. You may not go near the castle or the tournament or you will be punished.” “Wait, what?”, I gasped disbelieving. Where else should I go? I needed to pass the castle to the forest to get Toothless and get away from here. This could be a problem. I bet he wanted to withdraw the offer anyways. “You may now leave, Haddock III.”, he said brazenly while smirking at me before I got my things and left the INN. At least he didn't made me pay. Merida did it the day before. Merida. I thought about taking a walk, down to the market square. I should have said yes, even if I don't know how to dance. I went near the castle, but far enough to see a line of guards blocking the way for unauthorized people. I could hear a lot of people talking loud in the halls, most of them males voices. At the thought, that one of them is the one she will marry, making my stomach turn. I felt ill and broken but I had to accept it. To accept that she is a princess and I'm the son of a chief. But most of all, to accept, we are from different worlds. I watched as they left the halls. How long have I been standing here? The guards moved away with the others and I thought it was save to pass the castle to go to the forest, but I heard the guards start screaming at me. “You are not allowed to get here!” While moving my eyes from left to right, observing the guards, I clenched my fists. But I didn't hit them, I rammed one of them and he tumbled backwards. The others took care of him and I ran out of the kingdom, into the forest, looking for Toothless. They are coming for me, I'm sure.

Merida's POV

We went out to the place there the tournament was held. I sat on a throne, beside my parents and my brothers. A platform made sure everyone could see us and the other way around. The young men, standing in a row, ready for fighting each other, bowed before me and gave me looks which were meant to charm me but I ignored them, Where is Hiccup? Some guards behind me, screaming to some villager who has no permission to be here, distracted me. I sighed and ignored it but then I heard a thud and metal slamming against something. I saw a guard running after someone onto the forest and another guard running to my father. He frowned angrily and stud up. This made me feel unease, but why? My father started to yell. “My I get your attention?”, he rolled down a piece of paper out of his bag. On top of it was written 'WANTED' with a picture below. “This man is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III!” I pinched my nails deep into the cushion, whispering an angry and shocked 'What?' Pushing myself out of the throne to grab the paper and rip it into pieces. Everyone looked at me. “You lied to me!”, I screamed. “I won't do this anymore!” He tried to stop me but I jumped down the platform and run as fast as I could back into the castle. I locked myself in my room, blocking the door with my cabinet. This dress was so uncomfortable and I trow it on my bed, trying to put on my other dress, but I heard them coming. Grabbing my bow and quiver and my favorite dress, I jumped out of the window, falling into the safety of a stack of hay. I ran into the forest as I heard my cabinet smashing as it hit the floor. I had no time to get Angus, I just had time to run and find him. Hiccup.

(A/N: I know this is a bit chaotic and short but I didn't want tell you too much ^^)

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