Chapter 1: The Change

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Consciousness started coming back to me but a headache came upon me out of no where

I slowly open my eyes


I slowly rise from the bed

" this?"

Around me were walls with objects that were deprived of color and of proper form, a lamp with no details, a teddy bear with no eyes or fur, a simple room


I slowly turn around and saw Aria laying on his side, I gently shake him in an attempt to wake him up

"Aria...Aria... wake up..."


Aria breath's out a heavy breath then turns his body around to face me

"What is it Yutou?"

Aria seems to have noticed the atmosphere that surrounded us, his eyes half open looked around

"Yutou where are we?..."

I take another look but I can't seem to give him an answer that will satisfy our curiosity

"I don't know"

Aria ruffled and tried to stand up but fell back to the bed

"What are you doing Aria?"

Aria breath's heavily and starts crying, his eyes stared down on to his right hand

"W-what happened to me?!"

His eyes looked at where his right-hand use to be. Wrapped in bandages with no signs of blood Aria's hand was cleanly cut from his body

He looked up at me


Aria was taken back by something that he saw, his breath suddenly started cutting quickly breathing but his body was unable to keep up, hands trembling he pointed with his detached hand at my chest

While looking at him I move my hand towards my chest, in a circular motion i felt everything that was on my chest, fingers touching something strange on the left side of my chest

A sticky almost soft like texture was felt on my fingers the closet I can relate this to is the texture of freshly cut meat

I moved my hands in front of my sight only to be greeted by the sight of a red liquid that I very well know of


On the left side of my chest was my heart ripped open with no skin or organs covering it, it was up for display and my body was its pillar


Realizing what I am looking at I panicked causing me to fall off the bed and onto the cold floor

Both of us terrified by each other's appearance tried to back away from each other, Aria still unable to believe the space where his hand once was continued to look at it

What is going on?

Where are we?

What happened to us?

My back leaning on what seems to be a wall I contemplated these questions to my self while watching my movement to make sure that my heart doesn't get damaged or touched by anything

*Knock Knock*

From the other side of the door, I heard a knock

*Knock Knock*

It continued to knock this time stronger than before

*Knock Knock*

It's knock became stronger as if whoever was knocking had enough of waiting, moving to the side of my brother was the main priority for me right now so I moved off to his side, still terrified by me he tried to move away from me but in an unknown place his instinct told him to cling to me


With another knock the door fell down on the floor, dust rose from the floor up to the air, within the cloud of dust was somebody no it's not somebody

"Come Eat"

A thing that had a human-like body was standing in front of us blocking whatever light that tried to come through

It wore a white hood with a blue and green logo on the right side of its chest, the thing wore long black stockings and brown school show but its face was unclear either that or her face was unidentifiable in the first place


The thing commanded us with another shout, shivering with fear my judgment became clouded with fear

{Should we go for it and run away? We don't know where we are even I'm not even sure whether this place is above ground or underground what to do what to do what to do what to do!}

The thing started walking towards us while shouting to us


Eat? What do you mean by eat? Does it want to eat us? What does it want from us?

The thing reached out its hand for me and then quickly grabbed me by my hand


The thing lifted me from my hand and swung its arm off to the side throwing me away from my brother and the room, my body slam's into the door that was facing the room we came from

Soon after my brother was also thrown out of the room, his body struck mine

"Auh!" Aria let out a moan of pain as he rolled off from my body on to the red carpet

I moved my hands towards Aria checking on him to see if he was ok or not

"Aria! Aria!! Are you okay!!?"

Aria replied with a cough

The thing comes out of the room slowly, it puts long arms on our arm and pulls on it, his hands were both soaked in blood, now that the thing is in a well-lit room I could see that his neck is also covered in blood, his face was as dark as coal yet he didn't have any features on it

No eyes, No lips, no mouth no ears, it only had hair and a voice, a voice? No to call it a voice would be the wrong choice of words, it's voice sounded like the angry roar's of a thunderstorm, it was deep and very vivid

The thing continued dragging us in this place that seems to be a hallway, a red carpet that extended all the way to the end of the hall, both sides of this hall had white doors on it, the doors never stopped, each door had a nameplate on it

Yamato, Kurotsu, Miyako and so on


The Thing lead us to a white double door, we opened it and inside of it was...

A cafeteria? 

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