Chapter 2- The Hit List

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      Kat flipped open the lid to her computer. On the screen was a picture of a man. "This man is our new target. Some rich kid wants him dead, and will pay well for it. I paid someone off for the blueprints to his house, so here." She switched to another picture, showing- duh- the blueprints. Leo whistled, looking up from his memes.

"Wow. You really just paid him off? Didn't threaten him or anything?" he asked. Katalyst shrugged. "Wasn't in the mood for threatening. I just bribed him, then a knife in the dark and all of the money I spent is back." 

"MURDERING IS UNSAFE," yelled Tom. Grace shook her head, then watched as Katalyst spoke again.

"Tom, you should know by now that the only person it's unsafe for is me." A steely glare came into her eyes, and she added, "Or do I have to teach you?" Tom gulped and shook his head. "Good." She resumed talking. I dozed off a bit. I'd heard it all before, anyway- this wasn't the first murder we'd conducted. The first few times, I still had morals, and it was sad. More recently, it's just become a fact of life. I have to pretend like it isn't sad, so I seem cooler. Plus, I don't do the actual murdering. That's Leo's job. He's the hitman, and JC is the muscle (meaning he carries around the bodies and occasionally grunts). Tom is the getaway driver- although he's so safety-oriented, he literally drives at 5mph- and Grace is the "bait." That means that she goes and knocks on doors and pretends to sell Girl Scout cookies, all the while with a hidden camera to let us see firsthand the interior of the house. Cassandra supports us financially, as well as being lethal in a trice, and Kat, of course, is the deadly ringleader. And me? I'd like to say that I'm the tech guy, the hacker, the builder. And that IS my official title, but we all know that I'm comic relief.

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