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The party was loud, blasting music. It was dark and cramped, with dancing people everywhere. Shoved to the side of the room was a refreshment table. Kat raised an eyebrow.

"So, this is what they call a party, eh?" she said sarcastically. Cassandra laughed.

"It may not be much, but everyone will be too busy looking at you to notice." Cassie truly had worked her magic. Kat's normally unruly black hair was curled into a tight ponytail. Dark eyeliner adorned her emerald green eyes, with red lipstick replacing her normally black lips. Katalyst had been fitted into a tight black dress. A black choker with a crystal skull hung from her neck.

"I still think I look like Heather Chandler... anyway, Cassie, you and Grace look nice, too." Cassandra was dressed in an especially fancy bubblegum pink dress. Her blonde waves cascaded down her back, and her blue eyes sparkled. Tasteful makeup that only she knew how to apply accentuated her features. Grace, opposite her, was wearing a flowy purple skirt. She grinned at me. 

"Milo, seriously, what is your fedora? Also, anyone know if there's a more quiet area?" Grace asked.

"Uhh, A. This is my dress fedora, and B. I think if you go over there, it'll be better... just watch out for landsharks!" I said, making a scary face. Grace laughed slightly.

"Yeah, seriously, it's loud over here," said Tom in his high-pitched voice, worry crossing his freckled face. The twins walked over to a quiet corner. I would have joined them, except I wanted to hog the food. As I began to gobble up some tiny cakes, someone approached me. I looked up and nearly spit out my food. I'd never seen the guy before, I would have recognized him if I had. Because this guy was hot. Irritatingly hot. He had bright green eyes, dark hair, and a dashing grin. I suspected he was a teen model.

"Pleasure to meet you. The name's Olive; I'm a new student from Lyon, France." I swallowed, then spoke. 

"Ummm, yeah. I'm Milo." Olive smirked, looking over my shoulder.

"Pleasure, fedora boy. So, you know her?" He gestured over to where Kat and Cassie were talking.

"Yeah, I'm friends with both of them."

Olive ran his hand through his hair. "Great. Lovely. So, is she, er, single?"

"Which one? The blonde in the pink dress or the scary emo one?"

"The gorgeous, scary emo one." Anger flared up inside me.

"Kat? Yeah, she's single. Why?" But Olive was already walking away. I scrambled after him. He walked up to Kat, then bowed chivalrously.

"Pleasure to meet you, Kitty Kat, truly. Fedora boy over there tells me you're single... " Kat looked at him. 

"Yes, what's it to you?" Her voice had its usual steely tone, but she was blushing. I couldn't stand it. I walked off to Grace and Tom, leaving the two flirting behind me.

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