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My name is Aurora Pullman. August Pullman is my twin brother. Now your first question might be why don't you look like him, or whats wrong with you. And there is a simple answer. There is nothing wrong with me, or my brother. As for why i don't look like him  I couldn't tell you. Believe me, they checked and checked again, and checked some more to see if there was any trace of what happened to August, happened to me. There was none I was a perfectly healthy baby. Some people call me lucky, but I don't think so. You see from the minute I was born Auggie was always everyones priority. I understand I really do. He needs special attention. Via, my big sister also does. Shes going through a lot of stuff being a teenager and all. If I have problems I keep them to myself. I don't talk to Auggie or Via or Mom, or Dad. The only person I really talk to is my dog Daisy. Auggie also had friends. He had Christopher,
Zachary, and Alex. They never wanted to play with me because I was a girl. In fact they all kind of hated me. I also remember not being able to make friends easily. I tried to make friends with one boy when I was 7, but he said something about Auggie. So I punched him in the face. Sorry not sorry. As for today we are driving up to visit Auggies friend Christopher. So I do what I always do. I brought a book and hid in a corner. You see Auggie liked Star Wars, I am absolutely obsessed with everything Harry Potter. So I was sitting in the kitchen Reading while the moms were discussing something. They were go to send us to school. Real school! I've always wanted to go to school! Oh, Auggie doesn't look to happy. Maybe im not going after all.

(Time skip to end of the car ride)

Hello I just wanted you to know im going to be aging the characters up slightly so they are like 12-13

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