Sing For me

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Chapter 1

"Is this one good?" Sam came out of the dressing room in a purple dress and silver heels. We were searching for her prom dress and it's been 2 hours.

"Yeah, yeah, it's fine, can we go now? I'm hungry." I said, standing up and getting ready to go.

"Jess, wait! You need a dress too!" she said.

"For what? I told you, I'm not going!" I screamed at her, I was hungry and I was easily ticked off. It was hot too.

"Jess, please, you have to go! It's prom, and you haven't dated in such a long time!"

I looked at her, trying to calm down. "You know why I don't want to date. But fine, I'll go. For you."

"Great! BUT you need a date. I kinda knew that you would say yes, so I got Zeke to get Carlos to go with you!" she clapped her hands in excitement while I was on the verge of slapping her. "You know Carlos right? Zeke's best friend. Please, tell me you've noticed him at least once."

Flashbacks of Carlos played in my head. He was Zeke's, Sam's boyfriend, best friend. Curly short trimmed hair, great sense of style, I'd give that to him, brown eyes, and a nice smile.

"Yeah, I've seen him before. But I don't want to get into a relationship with him." I made it clear to her that I did NOT want a boyfriend.

She laughed and said, "Okay, don't worry, Zeke told me that Carlos didn't want a relationship either. Soo... maybe you should just give him a chance?"

"..Alright. Fine. Now help me look for a dress." I said turning around.

Hopefully she's right about Carlos not wanting a relationship either. But I'd have to admit... Carlos was pretty cute. But I couldn't tell her that, she'd go ahead and tell him and probably try and get us together. Another hour passed and we walked out of the store with her purple dress and my new royal blue dress and white shoes.

"ALRIGHT! We're out, now let's eat!" I said with a huge smile on my face, I was close to dying out of starvation.

"I know, but not here. I hate the food in the food court. Let's try out Ziggy's." Sam was full of surprises today.

"What the hell is Ziggy's?" I really didn't want anymore surprises, but did I get my request? I guess not.

"It's a grill downtown. It's new. Zeke's there, and guess who he's with." Sam smiled and patted my head then she started walking towards the car.

"SAM! You brought Carlos?! There's no way that we're gonna double date!" I tried to turn her around but she already got in the car. She rolled down the window and smied at me.

"Jess, just get in the car. Carlos is a sweet guy. He won't hurt you, and if that's not what you're worried about, he won't look for a relationship. Okay? I know you're hungry and you really don't have a choice, you already told me you'd go."

I rolled my eyes and got in the car. It was a 30 minute drive from the mall to Ziggy's. I swear, the food had better be good. My head was spinning from hunger. I was also a little anxious about the "date" with Carlos. I didn't need another boyfriend...

Sam cut my thoughts with her perky voice, "So, we're here. Let's eat."

We walked in and all I saw were dim lights coming from ceiling lights above every table and some lights from stage. Probably for people who had gigs. At least this place wouldn't be gloomy all day.

"Hey! Over here!" I heard a voice on the right of us say.

We both turned around and we saw Zeke waving his hands at us. Across from him I saw the back of someone's head - probably Carlos' - it looked like he was bored because he didn't even turn around to look at us. How sweet.

We walked over to the table and Sam took her spot next to Zeke while Carlos moved over to give me a place to sit.

"So, how was the mall you guys? Took you long enough to get here." Zeke said while putting his arm around Sam.

"Blame it on Sam, it takes her forever to look for a dress." I smirked.

Zeke and Carlos laughed in unison, like they were brothers. I took that chance to actually look at Carlos. Then I noticed something that I never noticed before, he had dimples - the cutest dimples - and I was a sucker for them. I caught myself staring and I turned back to face Sam. I think she caught me staring, because she started to smile.

Sam cleared her throat and it got the boys to stop laughing. "Jess, can I talk to you in the restroom?"

"Wait, let's order first. I'll signal the waiter." That was then I heard Carlos speak for what seemed like the first time. His voice was a little husky and a little soft, but hot at the same time. He reminded me of Carlos Pena of Big Time Rush - yes, I'm a fan, a HUGE fan - and that did not help with me trying to stop looking at him. I was in LOVE with Carlos Pena.

Carlos turned and waved to the nearest available waitress. She delightfully came to us with a pen and pad. "Are you guys ready to order? Our special today is Ziggy's Cheddar Maze, it's a bowl full of nachos with a topping of jalapeno's, bell peppers and sour cream."

"Uh, sure, I guess we'll get that as an appetizer." Carlos said looking at us before approving the deliciously sounding appetizer.

I begged in my mind for him to keep talking, I was so mesmerized that I could possibly listen to him talk all day. Unfortunately, the waitress looked like she could do the same. She was eyeballing him the whole time she took our orders. I hate to say it, but I was sort of jealous, even if me and Carlos weren't exactly a "thing".

After she left, Sam got up and pulled me to the restroom. I hit my arm on the side of the door on the way there and I couldn't help but scream.

"What? What's your problem?!" she shouted when we got in the bathroom.

"You pulled me into a wall! Of course I'd scream! What did you wanna talk about anyway?"

"I saw you."

"Saw me what?" I mumbled trying to rub the pain in my arm away.

"You were staring at him. You like his dimples huh? I knew you'd freak and say no if I told you he had dimples, so I figured I'd surprise you. Do you like him?"

"I don't know. I don't want too. I barely know him."

"But you think he's cute right?" Sam grabbed my arms and shook me.

"Okay, okay! He's cute, stop shaking me!"

"Alright, let's get back to the table. I'm starving."

When we got back, Zeke and Carlos were laughing and the waitress walked by dropping off the nachos. Both the guys stopped talking and attacked the food like 5 year olds. By the time we got there, cheese was all over their faces. Carlos was still chewing when he noticed I was back. He turned towards to look at me and we made eye contact for the first time.

He caught me before I sat down. I was stuck standing there, looking at him while he did the same. There was cheese next to his mouth and his cheeks were puffed from the amount of food in his mouth. He swallowed and broke the awkwardness between us and smiled at me, motioning me to sit down.

Something in my head told me that tonight was not going to the way I wanted it.

We ate and talked about really random things. I was relieved that no one brought up the prom. I actually had a fun time, I laughed so much that my stomach hurt somtimes.

Carlos was really funny and Sam was right, he was sweet.

I prayed that this wasn't going to lead to anything.

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